Hey Dreamers,
I am currently working on a LD website, and It won’t be another site with information about how to get an LD etc.
The site will be a ‘database’ full of:
Theories about lucid dreaming, like the existance of Spiritguides or any other LD theory.
Thoughts, ideas, things that come up in your mind. Things of which you can say: “Would this work” or “I suddenly came up with this”.
Of course my own dream diary is included and also links, LD resources and tips.
Your help needed!
I need your help! If you have come up with a theory ot thought lately mail it to me (PM). I’ll put it on the site with your name and date.
Dutchthor, what’s the use of such a site?
To keep everything that’s said and discussed clear. I’ll put it up on the site and it will be easy accessable, no need to search the forum for a certain topic. And also you won’t get crazy of the giant amount of replies (+15 or so)
So mail your toughts and theories to me, and I’ll put them on the site for every to read!