Weird Experience?

Hello, I had the weirdest dream last night. Actually, one of the only lucid dreams I’ve ever had. I was in what I can only describe as a pure field. How I realized I was dreaming, when I looked up at the sky. I didn’t see the sky, I saw the an ocean, and ocean replaced the sky with a light blue hue of waves lapping endlessly into the horizon. The grass under me was white, pure white. It was so beautiful I can hardly put it into words. There was a woman, she was gorgeous. She had long brunette hair was tied off in a braid that went over her shoulder. Her eyes were light blue, so kind and forgiving. She wore a white dress with a gold tie off that went around her waist. I asked her: “Who are you?” She smiled at me and walked over to me, she lightly placed her hands on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. I was hypnotized to be honest.

“Why, if you don’t know who I am, how can you possibly know who you are?” She smiled at me again, and I looked at her oddly.

“I do know who I am, but I don’t know who you are!” She began to laugh, it sounded like a symphony.

“I’m what you want to know! So why don’t you ask me Jess, what do you want to know?” I scratched my head in confusion and suddenly got an idea. It’s what I’ve been wondering this question for a while, and I hoped she could tell me the answers I sought.

“I…I want to know why no one seems to like me…Why I seem like an outcast.” She smiled gently at me and moved her hands off my shoulders.

“Bingo! Hmm, you think people don’t like you? Strange, let’s take a look shall we?” She moved her hands gently apart and an floating screen appeared before me, it seemed like a television, broadcasting my past before me more vivid than I could ever be by memory.

“You were never very socially accepted. Your health afflictions hindered your ability to interact with those you wanted to most. People didn’t want to talk to you, in return, you shut yourself out and didn’t want to talk to them.” I looked down at the floor feeling now somewhat ashamed of myself.

“But, you remained true at heart, although you appeared to be uncaring, conceited, and pompous. And for that, you’re a better person.” I at her shocked for a moment. She returned the smile at me grabbing my hand in hers, it felt silky smooth, and warm.

"Just remember Jesse, there will always be those who care about you. Even if you don’t realize it at first. You’ll always have a place in the hearts of those who care about you, Including yourself.

She let go of my hand and began to walk away. I looked at her shocked for a few seconds before yelling after her.

“Hey! Wait! What’s your name?” She turned back smiling at me, she yelled back:

“My name’s Ciera!” She turned, and began to walk away again.

“Will I ever see you again!?” I yelled again, she stopped once more, and what seemed like in a blink of an eye she was right in front of me again. She grabbed me by the shoulders and gave me a light kiss on the lips. It was just a simple kiss, but it held so much passion and warmth it’s difficult to describe in words.

“Of course you will, but now, I think it’s time for me to go.” She smiled once more, giving my hand a gentle squeezed, and dissipated into a sort of mist, and drifted away. It was here I awoke, about an hour later than usual. I am here to record this dream, I am very excited about it! What do you think about it?

Sounds like an amazing dream. Visit from your SC/SG, perhaps? Definitely an experience, and your memory of it seems to be quite good.

Did everything she say and show you seem right?

Yeah, she showed me what I remember to be some of my worst experiences. And what’s an SC/SG? Oh yes, the second I woke up I wrote down every detail I remembered of it, which turned out to be almost everything.

SC is you subconscious if I’m not mistaken, SG is spirit guide. You’re very lucky to have had one of these dreams, meeting one of these dream characters is like a talking directly with your own subconscious… Very cool and congratulations on your lucid dream :smile:

Yeah I m so jealous ! The only time I tried to reach my SG, I called him and a blue guy appeared chained to a wall. Every time I talked to him he didn’t reply… So disappointing if it was my SG and if he didn’t want to talk to me haha

Well you were very lucky well done! :wink:

You’re right Somnium Viator. If you mouse over the acronyms it actually tells you. :wink: You can do that with all the acronyms that have the squiggly beneath like this: SG.

I, myself, haven’t met my SG yet. Don’t have enough stable lucids where I actually think. :razz:

wow…that’s amazing. I’m very jealous. Your post motivated me to try harder to achieve lucidity. Thank you.

I think that’s a beautiful dream! The odd exchange about your not knowing who you are until you know who Ciera (Sierra? Ciel?) is, sounds to me like she’s very much a part of you and/or that you are very much a part of her. Also, since she knows your entire social and psychological history.