Weird goosebumps/tingles when lucid

Last night I had another lucid dream and noticed that when I turn lucid, i have these weird tingles all throughout my body. It’s just like a chill (although it’s not cold) wave coming over your body and getting goose bumps. Thing is, it’ll last all throughout my LD. To me it seems like a bad thing because, in my earlier days, it came right before I woke up. So now when I get it, I feel as if I need to struggle/fight not to wake up and it just seems counterproductive. Interesting enough is that 75% of the time when I do wake up, I still have the tingles/goose bumps, but they disappear within a few seconds after waking. Does anyone else have this problem? Is there anyway to stop it? I guess it could be a good thing though since it’s a constant reminder that I’m lucid as I don’t recall having such a feeling in a ND. I’m just worried about it cutting my dream short, which is what seems to happen in the past.

that has never happened to me before as u stated earlier it is a good way to tell ur dreaming but i dont think that its bad or somthing to be worried about u could try getting warmer blankets so even if u personally arnt cold ur body may be i dont know what could be wrong sorry

that has never happened to me before as u stated earlier it is a good way to tell ur dreaming but i dont think that its bad or somthing to be worried about u could try getting warmer blankets so even if u personally arnt cold ur body may be i dont know what could be wrong sorry