my keyboard is broken again…everything on the right side produce a beep and weird characters. does anybody know what causes this? in the mean time i’m stuck with onscreen keyboard again.
did you spill something on it?
noT ths Tmhe…but t s behavgfngg the sa,e way as .asT Thme…
whoa dude stick to OSK for a while hehe
uh make sure no keys are stuck. also wanna make sure the keyboard cable on the back of your computer is securely plugged into the keyboard PS/2 port back there. that can sometimes make it beep a little.
if no luck i guess your best bet is to try out another keyboard. if that doesn’t solve anything your motherboard is probably fried.
let us know what happens
mbe ts a deram, do a rlealty heck…
ooh kavaa i hope so, because if it is a dream, and because I typed in a reply, that means I’m dreaming too! yay!! hahahha~!!! sorry just trying to inject a little humor
i think a couple of keys are down all the time…lots of dots come out if i press m or l
lol, now im dreaming too!
yes mine did that too siiw.
I opened it up and some of the connections were burned out. Seems this is the long term damage of drink spillage lol.
A handful of keys were stuck to the board under it. I had to buy a new one. It looked like part of it were worn off…and it was sticky. This new one is supposed to be spill-proof.
alright, now you aren’t handicapped when it comes to posting on the forum haha… i can’t tell you how many times i’ve spilled stuff, mainly on accident, but yeah i need to open mine up and spray all the dust out.
I haven’t broke mine yet… I messed up the keyboar drive before though, but it was virus’ fault!
I hope you’re enjoying your new keyboard! And hoepfully that it’s true that it’s spill-proof.
How do you manage to destroy keyboards all the time Siiw I’ve had mine for 7 years now and it’s still working just fine
The computer table is the perfect height for eating…Besides I have been told I type loudly
wow, a spill proof keyboard! now i really am dreaming!