my family wake up in 6 am, and they make a lot of noise, so i wake up as well (i finished school, i dont have to wake up early) but then i trying to sleep again and every time i does i can feel my body goes to SP and i feel the “waves” and “vibrations” that everyone talks about. so eventually what i do is WILD. but i cant enter the dream, i just lay on my bed, with my body paralized, and eventually wake up again. what should i do?
sorry about my poor english
keep trying it, see how long you can go in SP for.
try practising day dreaming it should get you used to do wild, so when you go to sleep you are more alert - hope this helps
From what I’ve read, you should try to move “mentally”, that is try to induce a spinning or rolling movement and increase it until you enter a LD.