Weird Red days tribe Pattern

Hello, I am back from vacation officialy :dark:

I had a 2 week vacation onto the northen greek mountains where I meditated, I had a great time :tulip: , and… yes, I have my LDs back!!!

The weird thing that I wish to post is that I have spontaneous LDs every 4 days exactly. Between these 4 days there is a dryspell, and the 4th day, a feeling gets all over my head that makes me certain I will LD :partying_face: .

Look at my stats:

August :beer:
Red Cosmic Earth (8/Aug): 1 LD
Red Self-Existing Dragon (12/Aug): 1 LD
Red Galactic Serpent (16/Aug): 2 LDs
Red Crystal Moon (20/Aug): 2 LDs
Red Electric SkyWalker (today, 24/Aug): 1 LDs

It is highly unlikely that its a coincidence the fact that I have LDs only on red days for 5 instances this month… We will see at 28/8 what is going to happen. These LDs are spontaneous and very lucid.

Your opinion about this pattern? :eh:

That’s very interesting. I don’t know much about this calendar, so I can’t say much about that, but it’s probably not a coincidence if it continues. That, or you’re expecting to have a lucid dream on that day, so you do. Either way, congratulations on being able to have so many. :smile:

I wonder if the Mayans had lucid dreams :rofl:

That’s very strange! Perhaps there’s some link between te fact that you’re of white kin which somehow interacts with red days… i wonder if there’s more links that way. Did you have a LD 28/8?

How does it feel like when you know you will get a LD? I get a “feeling” sometimes too in the day which usually results in a LD later that night. It is like I see my surroundings in the same way as in a LD.

Is there something in your real life with a 4 day rhythm? I ged LD’s on blue storm days, mostly because I expect them. :cool:

Hmm… Interesting - there are certain colour relationships in the Dreamspell. For example:

Red and Blue are “antipode” colours, which have an opposite/balancing/challenging relationship.

Red and White are “analog” colours, which have a supportive/strengthening effect in combination.

Hey IkkeHer (still getting used to your new name :wink:), I get that too sometimes. That feeling of seeing my surroundings in the same way as a LD. It’s interesting to cultivate that sense of “dreamlike” consciousness…
