While I fall asleep my body seems to be in dreamland before any kind of sleep paralasysis takes place. Once or twice I’ve began to be more in somewhat dreaming but still conscious mode. If I begin thinking about taking a shot in basketball my hands will immediately flair out in front of me. Today in this state, I slipped on some ice and my knees bent under me. What is up with this. Sorry if it’s not clear enough for you to get the idea. Thanks
Sounds like you have slipped into a deep trance where you dream before your body had time to lock themselves in Sleep Paralysis.
If that happens again, try not to move. Try to explore around without moving at all. It should give your body enough of time to enter into this SP stage. You could use that to WILD.
If you weren’t lucid… ehm… try be lucid. Then that technique would be good for you.
Good luck! Hopefully my suggestion was helpful.
Yeah i get the same sort of thing it’s like i’m half asleep but having vivid dreams and i might be walking and ill like trip and my body will jerk round and if i throw my arms up for some reason i really do its sort of wierd but cool. A couple of times i’ve used this to enter lucid dreams.
I get the same exact thing. I was actually gonna make a topic about it, but I left for awhile. I’m having a lot of trouble LDing and experimenting and such. <_<
this just reminds me of the times in my trances on to WILD, the weird thing is not always does my physical body jerk, the motion (physical or not) is at an end after realizing so it’s sometimes hard to tell…so far it hasn’t really bothered the trance.
Yeah that happens to me sometimes. The paralysis doesnt start and i go into deep visualizations and i break out of them when my body makes a sudden movment, as if to respond to the visualizations.
I often get a falling sensation and my whole body jerks when I hit the ground and I’m wide awake because of the chock
That’s the most common one for me I think
I’ve had it when I’m walking to school sometimes, I’m wide awake and I get a falling sensation and it feels like I hit the ground and I feel the spasm throughout the whole body… kinda cool
When this happens to me I’m usually dreaming that I am slipping and falling or dropping something and I grab for it and become fully awake thrashing and/or grabbing. I know that I haven’t been asleep long enough to have been actually dreaming, right? The clock shows me it’s only been a few minutes. Now that I really think about it, this usually doesn’t happen unless someone has the tv or radio on.
Dh tells me that my whole body always jerks once slightly just as I go to sleep. Every time. After 30 years of nights, I suppose he would know! I smacked him the other night when I thought I was dropping a glass of iced tea! He wasn’t asleep yet because he was watching late night tv. Heh-heh…
…he caused it!
I get this sensations too, mainly when I’m trying to WILD without relaxing first. One or more body parts suddenly move a bit (but strongly) which wakes me completely up. It’s very annoying.