“yes ive got a trick thats weird like that one too”
Infact I have four tricks.
1.) You want to have your hands about half a foot apart. So find a side of a wal or the edge of a thick door, and then press really hard as though someone is pushing out wards with thier hands. Do this for 30 seconds and move your hands a bit, no more than 5 cm more apart, and do not let them touch. And you…well, I let you decide for yourself what happens. Tell me what you find? Try it with one person pushing in and one person pushing out.
2.) Now for a more spooky one. Tell a friend to put as daisy or small object in one of his/her hands, without showing you which one. Then tell him/her to put both hands out infront of you as equaly as they can. Hold both of their hands in your hands, and close your eyes. Now watch your HI and when a spot apears, a definate spot, decide which eye it is on and then pick the hand directly oposite that eye. No, you didn’t get the daisy, now try it again 2 more times. If you have no success constantly, try picking the other hand instead each time?
3.) This requires two people, one with an imagination. One person must face more or less into day light while the other person is beside them. This is best done out doors. Tell the person to close there eyes. Resist temptation of smacking them on the forehead. (No I’m serious! )
Now tell them this and allow them to answer, can be any colour?
a.) Your walking through a forest, what colour is it?
b.) You carry on walking and stop outside a house. What colour is it?
c.) You walk up to the door, what colour?
d.) You enter through the door, what colour is the hallway?
e.) You turn right, and go upstairs, what colour are the stairs?
f.) You get to the top landing and the hallway. What colour?
g.) You enter the bathroom, what colour is it?
h.) It smells, you leave quikly and enter the first bedroom, what colour?
i.) You see a cuboard, dressing table and bed. What colours?
j.) There’s someone in the bed. They awaken and seem very angry that your in their house. You run, toward the what coloued top landing? (It doesn’t have to be the same colour)
k.) You run down the what coloured stairs, to the what coloured hallway and out the what coloured door?
l.) You run away from the what coloured house, through the what coloured forest?
m.) You see an icecream truck. All that running has made you hot, but you lost the person. What colour is the ice cream truck?
n.) You go inside, and see a basket, what colour?
o.) You open it, and see me. Now open your eys, what colour am I?
Look at the five dots central on the picture for 30 secs. Now close your eyes and tilt your head back. Wait a few secons and you might see Jesus!