One day I was trying to relax in bed and after a while I started to feel a weird tingle in my body(but it wasn’t that much, just a little) I tried to stay like that and I did for a while then all of a sudden I felt like part of my body was pulled. It happened again but I wasn’t sure if it was anything weird, I think it was just twitching from the cold. Then I saw hypnogogic imagery. It was a shadowy robotic hand that looked like it was going to hit me(or fan me ). It kind of surprised me so I almost opened my eyes and it went away.
This kind of post has been posted like 40+ times…but ill help you out. The tingling and pulling feeling is from going in to SP. Your body is falling asleep. Is it close to a WILD? Yes…your getting there. Keep on trying! Oh…and…if you are new to lucid dreaming or have not had any success, i HIGHLY RECOMMEND using the hand tech that is in my Signature. This has gotten me and other LDs out the window. Use this and either keep it or move on to upper level techniques such as WILD. WILD is hard…and should not be your first. If you still want to do WILD…look in the big wild topic in the Quests Page. GOOD LUCK! AND KEEP TRYING!