Weird type of Sleep Paralysis?

Last night I was having a really strange dream, when all of a sudden I heard a cell phone ringing in my dream. I darted awake and it was 1:30 A.M. My girlfriend had just sent me a text message. (I wonder what she was doing up? But anyway) I read the message and then went to go into the bathroom, but as I did I noticed my legs were shaking uncontrollably. I was able to stifle, but not stop it until I got back in bed.

Is this some type of sleep paralysis?

I don’t know what it was, but I can tell you that it has nothing to do with SP. :content:

Maybe your circulation got cut off somehow? That happened to my arm once.

when my arm looses circulation when i wake up with them above my head, i cant move them and they fall limp to my sides as i sit up and it takes about a minute for them to have feelign and move again. maybe it has something to do with curculation though, like if you stand up quick, ur eyesight can blackout for a small amount of time. otherwise im out of ideas

I have low blood pressure and in the mornings when I wake, if I stand up too quickly, I can literally pass out and sleep for hours right there on the floor. Done it once or twice… not that much fun btw… :ack: