Hi, I’m sorta new to the forum, so I hope this is in the right place.
Last night I tried WBTB and woke up around 4:20. I had a hard time getting back to sleep, as my mind was being too active and i wasn’t relaxed. However, after about an hour of trying to get to sleep something very odd happened: I had a sudden burst of HI and then everything blacked out for a second. I ‘woke up’ completely reversed in my bed:
normal: o<-<
how it was >-|o
My arms were completely outstretched and I felt completely paralyzed. it took me a second, but i concluded that I might be having a FA. However I couldn’t check this because I couldn’t move my body. Eventually me trying to move my body made me blackout, and have a ND. Does anybody know what this was? Sorry if this has been posted before.
if you couldn’t move it was SP. And I assume when you woke up after the ND you were back at your normal sleeping position?
You were very very close, congratulations! Just keep practicing. Maybe staying up a little less time during WBT and/or some relaxation exercises may help you get to the HI/SP quicker. Good luck!
Seems to me like an almost-succesfull WBTB, congratulations. I second mattias…: you can improve your relaxation techniques - ever tried meditation?
I tried some relaxation before going to bed, but not during the wake up. I’m going to try that next time. I can’t say I’ve tried meditation, but I’m willing to do whatever works to get a LD so I’l try that next time i do WBTB.
Thanks for the advice
I wasn’t into meditation before learning about lucid dreams as well. If you do a quick google search you’ll find it has tons of benefites.
For dreaming though, what I do is simply empty my mind (at night or if I wake up in the morning and want to LD). If (when) thoughts appear I simply notice them and try to let my mind clear itself again. It requires a bit of practice to get good at, but every time I succeed at clearing my mind a feel the results. Last night for example, had a very long fun dream where I got lucid at the end and I also did a RC in another dream (the dream was so vivid I didn’t believe the RC )
Thanks, I’ll make sure to try it. It has never occurred to me that clearing ones head would help you dream, but if it makes your mind a ‘blank canvas’ so to say. it would probably make your dreams less jumbled with random thoughts and ideas.
I also like to focus on my heart region as I empty my mind. Many people say there are other regions that are better to focus at, but as I believe dreams are made of pure emotion, the heart seems like as good a place as any…