Weird voices while astral projecting

Ive been working on astral projection for a long time now and i have done it in the past but only once. Everynight its a great way for me to relieve stress/meditate/ and give it another try. I always get really close but last night was weird. I was in a great meditated state and i was started to feel my hands being somewhere they really werent along with vibrations and light patterns in my head. Then my heart started beating way too fast it scared me. I tried to just relax myself beucase i thought it was normal but then it was getting tough to breathe and even opening my eyes didnt help, so i closed them again and told myself to calm down and relax and i was asking for help to breathe and stuff cause i wanted it to work this time. Then i started hearing random voices saying things like…“its alright”…and …“dont be scared” and weird stuff like that so i listened and everything got better. What or who were those vioces becuase i definatly know they werent from me. :eek:

Sounds to me like you were in the sleep paralysis state and this is all normal there. The voices you heard are some sort of hallucination due to you being in a half dream and half awake state.

My belief is that WILD and Astral Projection are the same anyways.

What you describe is commonly experienced by WILD’ers. You were in the hypnagogic state thus you experienced HH and auditory hallucinations.

They “weren’t from you” cause your forebrain is disconnected when you fall asleep. Thus some thoughts sounds like external (by the way, yours were full of good sense :happy: ). I just explained this in another thread. About such curious sounds and voices, there was also a long thread called “WILD sounds”.

When you hear such things, it’s a sign that you’re very close to a OBE (or AP if you prefer :wink: ). Some people use this as a sign that they are already dreaming and they spin around their axis or get up to enter a dream.

Your heart was not actually racing that fast. It was your heart chakra compensating for the massive amount of energy it needed. Read Robert Bruce’s articles on AP if you havnt already:

that link is great. To all who dont belive in AP should read that and the people that want to learn it

Those voices could have been spirit guides inviting and soothing you into the astral realms. While they may be generations in your brain, those signals could very be originated from a higher spiritual plane encouraging your consciouss perceptive development.

Well, I could be way off base here, but people rarely have positive hallucinations when scared. This leads me to conclude that the voices you heard were some type of helpful spiritual entities. And even if they weren’t, everything got better right? Listen to your intuition, it won’t lead you astray, though your interpretation of such could potentially. Nice job by the way.

No, because in astral projection you actually leave your body and ‘tune into’ a…seperate state of being i guess…where as in lucid dreaming you’re just controlling your dreams due to your increased state of awareness. BUT the processes to obtain each are very similar.

Then Tomas is saying that he doesnt beleive that Astral projecting is for real. It is just an illusion, as it were.

Once when I was WILD’ing I felt the sensation someone coming to my bedroom door and entering it. I never heard the door open but I could sense someone coming in. I then heard my dad saying “Joseph…” in a curious fashion like he was trying to wake me up. I turned around, nobody was in the room and my bedroom door was shut.

I would love to have that experience again because I know that you are suppost to just listen to the voices and stay on task.

For now, testies says that it’s not a LD, but there is no 100% sure. I believe it’s two another thing. But before getting AP or OoBE (it’s two separate things, right ?) or entering Lucid Dream there is need to get into “that” state , on which WILD stands. That state is delta with consciousness “turned on” I guess… In that state hearing things is normal. But there is also able to talk to SC in that state, I guess. So thing that babysnakes heard might be his SC. But I could be wrong.

I was trying to get AP or OoBE today, no success. I waked up halfly in SP, so I had to use it. I heard sound of metal thing being smithed, It was propably a HS. No leaving body for me for now.