Watch out, the paint is still wet
I’ll be unlocking all forums and get off the lifeboat fast, because it will sink soon
thank you for your patience!
Watch out, the paint is still wet
I’ll be unlocking all forums and get off the lifeboat fast, because it will sink soon
thank you for your patience!
I was just writing a very long post.
Then I clicked submit, and it said :’‘only administrators can post here’’, and after that :’‘This forum doesn’t exist’’.
Anyway, I was writing the post in the ‘‘Beliefs’’ topic.
I just wanted to say(reffering to moogle) if I offended anyone, it was NOT my intention.
And I also said that I agree with Aks about the insects…
Finally someone who shares my opinion about animals and insects.
Hraevelg that wasn’t directed at you but in general to a lot of posters in that topic.
Oh, now I’m curious what happened in there after I went to bed.
Anyway, congrats on the server move!
Sorry I missed this conversation it sounds like it was very interesting
I can’t kill any insects except mosquitos. When there in the house I pic them up and put them outside, and there are alot of insects here in the rainforest .
Anyway that probably had nothing to do with what you were talking about . I am SO happy LD4all is up and running again!
I was going through withdraw!
Someone was talking about the holocaust, and how god abandoned them (And that’s why PasQuale should ban religion and politics topics, most forums did…people can’t stop arguing).
And he said something like ‘‘They should not have killed them! They are human beings’’ and something else…
Then Aks said that insects’ life is as important as the life of human beings, and that the insects also have the right to live on this planet, as we do.
Tho we are the most destructive living creatures. We kill animals, destroy their habitats, and lots of other evil stuff.
I don’t even kill mosquitos.
But I read just the first page of the topic.I’m glad, because everyone was arguing later.
I’m sure I couldn’t resist to join the fight, too
That’s all.
Ooh! New server it’s all shiny and new and… oh dagnabbit I’ve got paint on my trousers!!!
Where’s Hippo?
It’ll be ok Download… Hippo went back where he came from.
In other news, the forum is a lot faster now!
Hehe, finally everything is back to normal
I hope this server is better than the last one
Thanks Q
Mm, connection is still a bit faulty here. Sometimes it finds and fetches a thread at faster than ever marks; sometimes it doesn’t find the whole forum, at all. I’m willing to blame it on DNS servers for the next couple of days, but just thought I should share a little feedback. By the way, what’s the forum’s new IP address?
Thanks guys it’s really good site thanks a lot!