I’ve had poor dream recall for a long time…several months ago i started a dream journal… and it improved A TON… but then i got lazy and i lost mostly all the dream recall.
last week i started to record my dreams using a tape recorder… (lazy me!) i would remember a dream every once in awhile…
But this weekend i was off of work…so i had no where to go… and slept 12 hours friday night… saturday night i recalled 5 FULL DREAMS! That’s insane for me.
I woke up at 8am out of randomness and started recording about dreams i just have… i talked for a long while… info just kept coming to me!
Then i went back to sleep…woke up at noon and remembered MORE DREAMS!
One special dream i had was me and 2 guys from school were on a road trip searching for a girl that was in a movie. And what an adventure… (will skip the details)… but that dream kind of transfered into another: It was like our car turned into a boat…riding on cloudy water… and were surrounded by a theme/water park… and could see the tons of people crammed in line… Then i looked into the water and noticed we werent on water…we were in the AIR!
Then the dream transfered into me going skydiving… it was very vivid… I even saw a large rhino in the distance ramming a block of cheese! LOL
To bad i didnt become lucid.