Well Hurrah with big brass bells on it!!!


I had my 2nd LD last night… and it lasted twice as long as my first one 6 months ago. Problem is that is still only 10 seconds but I don’t complain.
Yesterday I went skiing, which went really really well, seeing it was only my 3rd time ever, and it made me feel really incredibly good, almost invincible. When I came home I then watched the new episode of my favourite show, and I went to bed very very happy. Of course I now dreamed I was in the tv show, and eventually I realized; why am I in a Dutch show, speaking Dutch?.. I’m in Canada am I not?.. and then I realized I was dreaming.
I didn’t even do a RC, I just thought; “I’m gonna fly!”. I just thought of it and I was going up, the room evaporated and I just flew like the wind, and it felt fantastic, the freedom… I heard some people had trouble with it, but this was a breeze!
But it started to get vague pretty quickly and all at once my attention shifted to my real body and I was awake.

But now the strange thing; I pretty much forgot about it during the day. Normally when I have a vivid dream I can think about it all day, molding it over etc. But now it just seams so vague, so surreal and at one point I even doubted if I didn’t dream it… :eh: But it was real, I just need to improve my conciousness and awareness next time, so I’ll study some of the techniques for that…

The lower the lucidity the more fuzzy the dream memory tends to get throughout the day. But congrats! It was still a lucid dream and a huge step :smile: Level of lucidity tends to be a bit random for me so… but there sure are ways to work on that. :wink:

my last LD was VERY vivid and VERY long, but I didn’t remember it until a few hours after I woke up, so it might be that you had the LD earlier in the night or something…?

First off congrats, getting LD’s is always a great experience!

As far as the recall, yea if you have lower levels of lucidity, or your dream recall isn’t as strong its much easier to forget the LD. It will feel like it happened 2 years ago as opposed to five minutes ago.

Earlier in the night can result in worse recall yes, because it means you have longer to go before you really wake up for the day, not to mention that REM periods generally increase in length as the night goes on, making for much more stuff to recall.