Ok, I will tell you what happened tonight, because I’m not sure if I had a ld or not. Let me explain my dreams first, though.
Ok, well tonight, I had a big, adventurous dream, that included me, another kid, and some older, really hott girl.
I dont remember much of it and don’t feel like typing it all out, so I will tell you what happened on my next dream.
I am walking towards my house along the sidewalk, when some guy with like a small gray afro starts talking to me about politics or something. I give him my pov and then he agrees. Then, he walks into my house, the door is open. He walks in and starts talking to my mom. I start to get freak and start to give my mom face signals and stuff. We have no idea what is going on. Then, he walks into the kitchen, and talks there. My mom nods at me, as if saying ‘Yes.’ I knew what this meant, so I went upstairs and got my brother’s plastic dartgun, which looked pretty real.
I put it in my shorts when I magically teleport back to the kitchen for some reason. (I didn’t notice that though)
Then, me and my mom are holding two people in a car at gunpoint, in some weird dump place or something. I have an m16, and my mom as a small pistol, most close to a beretta 9000 or something.
The guy who I am aiming at starts to pull out a small gun holster, and I say “STOP RIGHT THERE!” Then take the holster and take out the gun. Then I say “If you do that again I will kill you.” Then he starts to pull out another one, and I try to shoot at him, but the m16 is like fake! It’s making small little bullet sounds, like a bb gun, but he doesnt get hit at all! I run and get behind the car, and a bullet comes out above me. I run to my mom and say “SHOOT HIM!” And then I start to run and I get shot, and fall down. It didn’t hurt
But I fell. And then I tried to get up, and I aimed at them. The trigger was very hard to pull, adn then nothing still came out. They shot me again. They were getting in the car when I went over to my mom, who was shot, but she had managed to run away farther then I had. I got to her, and she was still alive, but didn’t look so good. Then I teleported over to a dock, watching the people in the car drive away.
Then I see a bunch of people under the dock from my last dream… etc. And I start to wake up, I guess. And I am so sad about being shot, about to die, and my mom being shot about to die, but then I start debating myself whether it is a dream or not. I start to wake up, so I am almost literally thinking this. I pinch my nose and try to breath in, and I could.
But I couldn’t really do anything abnormal. I tried to get back to my dream but I couldn’t. I really was half awake, but I don’t really remember being awake. Ahhh… idk.
When I started to realize it was a dream, I started to get hungry, and I am really hungry now.