Is this forum specifically about dreams only?? or…does witchcraft have a place here aswell…?
well i am just wondering, because I have been looking for a way long time for a forum to share experiences on witchcraft with others and hear their experiences aswell…
so if anyone has anything to say on that plz reply
This is mainly a forum for sharing Lucid Dreaming experiences and info, etc; but what you mentioned, if even partially related to Lucid Dreaming, may be welcome in “Beyond Lucid Dreaming” or “Lucid Lounge”… admin correct me if I am wrong please.
i know that this site is about dreams and all…but witchcraft is slightly connected to that i guess. Because a lot of witchcraft is best performed inside a dream.
well, thats wat i think anyways and if it is not welcome here just tell me i wont post about it again…?
if you are still looking for a wicca fourm, i belong to a very nice one,
if it says page isnt found, try and reload it, if it dosent work then, go to and clic on commons, then message board
if you want to say hallo there, im sparrowhawk
She’s a witch! Burrrrn herrrrrrrrrr!
Thanks kmcdonald and Palmetto, you give good advice.
The Webmistress of the site, pasQuale, has been very busy and has not had time to read and answer every thread of this forum. I’ll try my best to answer for her.
Yes, this forum is about dreams only! However, we now have sections of the forum for off-topic discussions. The “Lucid Lounge” is a place where we can freely have friendly discussions on just about any topic. The “Beyond Dreaming” forum is a section dedicated to discussions about dreams that are more than just dreams. Well, it’s beyond dreaming. so both of these forums may suit your interest.
This is NOT a witchcraft forum, it’s a lucid dream forum. Witchcraft may be connected to dreams, but for many here dreams aren’t connected to withcraft.
Too late, DreamAddict. She turned me into a newt.
um next post…
hi willows_wicca,
in case you are interested, another forum is
This place has a really good combination of witchcraft and dreaming.
Alex replied with this question earlier, and Explora gave a nice answer. I thought this discussion would be enjoyed more in the “Quest4lucidty” forum, so I split the topic and moved those replies into our main forum.
Which makes me think of another thing to mention. If you have a question about a quest for lucidty that involves witchcraft, then post in the “Quest for Lucidity” forum. If you have a “brew” that you can make to help lucidity, then post in the “shortcuts to lucidity.” If you’re sharing a dream that involves witchcraft, then post in the “dream diary.”
So don’t feel restricted to the 2 forums I mentioned earlier just because your post involves witchcraft. Use good judgement and keep post in there proper place so people can easily find them.
Not so fast…
Well,what do we do with wiches?
“We burn them!”
Right,but what does also burn
“Hmm… wood?”
Yes,but we also use wood for other things,don´t we?
“We build bridges with it”
“Uhm… we make ships out of wood”
And why do we do so?
“Because wood swims on the water”
Exactly,are there any other things that swim on the water
“A duck can swim”
Precisely observed
So,we come to the logical conclusion:
If this women has the weight of a duck,she has to be a witch!
“And then we can burrrrn herrrrr!!!”
sorry g
as far as i know, you cant turn people in to frogs, or nutes or what ever in wicca, but that would be fun to do in an LD to peple who piss me off… sighi wish i COULd do that in this dimention… heh, sorry… goes off to house to brew up potions…
I got better.