What are some of your personal dreamsigns?

My old house tends to nudge me into lucidity because I don’t live there anymore.

Ehrm, I know I already posted here, but my Dream Signs are currently:

Space travels

Geez, nothing uncommon here :tongue:

Nighttime and school are definitely my dreamsigns. Not very good ones for inducing lucidity :neutral:

Electric lines when I fly are very common in my dreams.

You know those baked potato chip bags. They’re matte, no shine. That’s one. Another is a taxi cab. A taxi cab gave me a LD last night, actually.

Well In my dream journal 3 things were repeated:


Yeah kind of weird :content: The donkeys were from when I was 10, think had something to do with something that doesn’t bother me anymore.

Orange I am not sure of… I allso see alot of blue but then again, in RL lots of things are blue aswell.

Inca’s… yeah really wtf :smile: I have been playing the game black&white 2 recently, that allso features inca’s… but still :slight_smile:

I hope to find some better dream sings in the near future. If a giant pink crocodile would tap-dance in all my dreams it wouldn’t be That hard to figure out it’s a dream ^___^ alltough it might seem normal at the time.

Bears apear often in my dreams and they are usualy in places they should not be, but i don’t see it :sad:

Swimming pools, and the beach. Freddy Krougar believe it or not. He’s my SG

I probably remember about 90% of my dreams, and I don’t even keep a dream journal. Some things that used to or do reoccur in my dreams that used to or do currently assist in lucid dreaming:

-Getting in my car and finding I’m totally inept at driving. Driving like a little kid would be playing a racing game at the arcade.

-Having sex with someone else. (I’m completely monogamous)

-Finding myself completely devoid of form. People and animals in the dream still “see” me and respond to me normally, but I have absolutely no form.

-Flying, levitating, performing feats of wizardry and wonderous sorcery. This one has been a recurring element through my whole life.

-Finding myself in incredibly epic battles and wars. This has gone on for several years. And, as much as I enjoy the dreams, I always end up dead at the end if I fail to become lucid.

-Bizzare physics. One thing that used to recurringly happen in my dreams for a while was someone or myself getting hit with a pillow and being sent flying several feet or more back.

-I used to have a recurring sign in dreams where I would jump from the top of a flight of stairs all the way to the bottom and land without injury, as this is something I always thought would be cool to do if I could do it safely.

-Being shot in the crotch with a gun. Used to happen a lot in my dreams a few years back. Was awful, but a quick snap to becoming lucid.

-Having an arrow shot through the back of my hand. Used to occur alot in my childhood.

-My form is that of an obese anthropomorphic bear, usually a polar bear but sometimes hard to tell due to odd color schemes in the dream. Over the years, this one has become increasingly difficult to become lucid off of as I identify very strongly with polar bears. On some rare occasions I actually find I’m startled by seing my human form in mirrors when awake.

-Dreams of cataclysmic events and disasters. A repeating dream element that’s gone on as far back as I could remember dreams.

-Dreams of being back in high school, middle school or elementary school.

-Dreams of being at my college campus and getting lost trying to get to class or forgetting my schedule or where I’m supposed to be.

-I’m a kid, again. Usually about 8 or 9 years old. Oddly, about half the time I’m dreaming I’m a kid again, I also find that I’m extremely obese, so much so that I’m waddling, having a difficult time doing everyday things, but overjoyed by my fatness.

-Being a character as myself in a favorite TV show or the characters appearing in my dream, usually sci-fi like Star Trek, but characters from the Golden Girls, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and cartoons have made a few cameos.

Man… that’s a lot of things and those are the major ones, but I guess if you remember at least one dream a night, sometimes two, or more now and then, you’re gonna end up with a long list of recurring things.

Let’s see…

  • Swings
  • Talita (a friend)
  • Roses
  • Playing Cards/Gambling
  • An orange+crimson sky with blue drippings in which I see stars and the Moon
  • Wolf and James :razz:
  • A seashore at night lit by torches
  • Talking to Death

I also find that I’m extremely obese, so much so that I’m waddling, having a difficult time doing everyday things, but overjoyed by my fatness.
:lol: :rofl: :lmao: :happy: :gni: :biggrin:

A big dreamsign which I’ve always had but never really utilized is being in or near a body of water which has strange qualities to it.
For example; I am at my my family’s waterfront campground beside a freshwater lake, yet I’ll see whales swimming in the lake :happy:. Or, I’ll be in a boat on the lake, catching very strange fish. So strange I don’t want to touch them, much less keep them and eat them later.

i have two i know of so far
my friend Austin…and
cement walls

Pregnancy or giving birth is a comming DS to me.
When I discovered that I was pregnant in a dream once, I became lucid. :smile:

I’m also starting to suspect asian women, because they occur a lot more as bystanders in my dream than in RL.
Especially those with extra eyes. :razz:

I do not have really lucid signs.
All I can say is that when the picture of the dream is of a good quality, something change in my head. Pictures are sometimes like high quality photographies, it’s the only thing that makes me become lucid for the moment.

My only dreamsign is that sometimes I can only walk very slowly like my legs are moving in slow motion.
The worst thing is everytime that happens I start thinking about how that always happens when I’m dreaming but I don’t get lucid. :eh:

School is totally not my dreamsign. I always have dreams being back in HS or Elementary and I am not even close to thinking twice about it.

Fure sure light switches are a dreamsign. If one doesn’t work I automatically its malfunction with the performance of a reality check.

Gibberish characters too also prompt me to be skeptical of my reality.

I normally have an indian purse on the right side of my shoulder, I always have a dog or new puppy
I have a twin , that looks like me and
some black lady (am not racist it’s just that she shows up constantly and don’t know her name)
keeps getting into my personal buissiness about my life and telling me what to do with it, she’s really bossy and tries to control me, and tell me what I can and can’t do. She’s not even my Mother.
I am either looking totally differant then myself, and I keep the same looks throughout my dream or Iam my own character from a game that I like to play. Every now and then The dream goes on like a fanfic.

a former lover
my dad (who died a couple years ago)
planes, buses etc with weird seating arrangements: rows of folding chairs instead of airplane seats, etc.
phones I can’t dial due to small buttons or confusing menus or shifting numbers or whatever.
elevators that go sideways or diagonally–and usually don’t stop on the floor I want them to.
bathrooms! big rooms with toilets everywhere, toilets that are broken or dirty or the door doesn’t close or full to the top or there are people there or they’re really high or there’s no seat etc. etc. (I drink a lot of water in real life!)

I have 10 active dreamsigns. The most frequent are:

  1. Transformation – When a) my identity, b) an object, c) a person, d) a scene transforms into something different

  2. Violence – enough said

  3. My childhood house – enough said

I will have one of these dreamsigns every night.

Therefore my job is just to recognize them.

Stephen Laberge has a system for dreamsigns on which I have a post here:

[Dream Cue Mandala Technique!)

No toilet seat!? What happens if I have to take a crap!? :open_mouth: :toilet:
