What are some of your personal dreamsigns?

My most recurrent dreamsigns are:
My Brother
My family
Avril Lavigne (and other celebritieS)

and what does it feel to have Bam all the times?

I had a dream with Bam in it before too, but only once. I also had a dream once where I hung out with James Hetfield from Metallica. Celebrity dreams should definitely be dreamsigns for everyone, but they don’t happen to me all that often. Since we are supposed to be looking for recurring dreamsigns to achieve lucidity…I guess my biggest one so far is just context. My dreams themselves are slightly askew from waking life most of the time, as in I’ll dream of a normal sort of thing like work or shopping but the storyline will be weird. It’s hard to use those kinds of dreamsigns to achieve lucidity. The only time I had a LD so far was once when I realized a nightmare DC couldn’t possibly be real and I achieved low-level lucidity. Sometimes I feel like my dreams are almost screaming at me without directly saying so, hey dummy, can’t you tell how weird things are and that you’re dreaming? And when I wake up I feel frustrated that I failed to recognize my dreamsigns. Am I going slightly off-topic here? :content:

Two other topics existed about the same subject. I merged them all, so here will be a lot more of DS’s. :smile:

wow my three main ones are all mentioned here!

In a car, inside my school and teeth falling out…

Wow how many dreamsigns topic are out there? :bored:

Well anyway this is my 25th time posting my dreamsigns.

They are…well my brother, he mostly appear with me in my dreams,Celebrities and being in home or my grandma’s city.

My DS haven’t turned my lucid yet, when I’m lucid it is because I just “know”.
But dreamsigns…

Getting late
Bitten by dogs (When I realised this was a dreamsign I got attacked by a cat, then it stopped)
My two small cousins.
Being in Sweden while I’m in Finland in RL, and vice versa.
Being pregnant

LOL ! I just merged them… and forgot to point out that the title had changed, as it was the title of the first merged topic ! :lol:

Hello fellow dreamers!! I think this thread will be interesting…the purpose of this thread is to share with others your personal DSs. Because if we all read our own, and others’ DSs it’ll maybe help us realize we’re dreaming during a ND.
For example, if somebody says that their DSs are bluecats, talking hamburgers, etc., then if we see a blue cat or talking hamburger we’ll recall LD4all, and become lucid!!

I’ll start off with a few of my current DSs:
-Not being able to get away (when I can’t run or can’t jump, I know I’m dreaming)
-Getting extremely frustrated (in dreams I seem to always get abnormally frustrated over little irelevant things)
-Seeing one of my friends(one of my friends’ always in my dream, he’s like my best friend and my most common DC. Whenever I see him in real life, I do a RC)
-Flying and/or seeing someone/something flying

There’s just a few of my DSs. Please post away!!! I think it’ll help me, and hopefully others, too!!!

Dili Dali

The wierdest part about my first experience with LD ing is that I didnt know what to do while being lucid so i went through every RC i could think of just because it was cool. I started with holding my nose and breathing through it to sticking my finger through my palm. After that i went crazy and started doin all this wierd stuff i cant even remmeber. All i know is i took my leg off lol

I dont really have reoccuring dream signs, except for the fact that I occasionally watch anime in my dreams, and eventually end up being one of the characters in it. =D!

  • My youngest cousins
  • Aggressive dogs with stupid owners
  • Being late for something
  • Trains, busses, ferrys.
  • My old school
  • Running on all fours
  • Swimming
  • School
  • Nonsense tasks
  • Running at 1 millimeter per hour
  • Driving a car (I’m 17)

Some task take too much time and its difficulty increase with the time.

I once has to drop off a bus at a certain place, I saw the I just passed that place, and suddenly all my coins dropped, I was taking them one by one and a lady keeped taking my coins, when I was able to take them all, I realised I haven’t shoes on my feet, there was one next to me and couldn’t find the other. When I drop off the bus I was 10 blocks away from my destiny.

ah mine bother me.

● i have been away from home for a very long time, i will dream i am at home, or with old friends long gone
● i dream that i am somebody else entirely
● i dream that i have misplaced bodyparts, or forked/multiple bodyparts
● i dream it is stormy with no rain, and with a perfectly sunny pruple sky

I haven’t been too successful with LDng lately

-my dad-, he’s dead

I thought one was aliens at first but I haven’t dreamt about them in a while…but I seem to be having a lot of dreams about a little girl at least lately which may become a good DS

I haven’t really found that many, I’m just an LD newbie, but i’m working on it.

So far my dream signs seem to have ties with seeing old friends from middle school and high school. Does that count as one? My dreams are usually really blurry and vague and I can’t really see colors or environments, just dream characters.

Yeah, that’s a good dream sign. :smile:

Mine is white walls… I’ve been dreaming of them a lot lately. :eh:

Hmmm… I’m rarely talking with hamburgers, so I don’t think it will be a good dreamsign to me. :tongue:
Since I’ve played Wolfgame, my DS are werewolves, undead, illnesses and curses, etc. It seems I’ve been sort of traumatized… :grin:
I merged this topic with an existing DS’s collection, so we can read more dreamsigns and become more often lucid, if your hypothesis is right. :wink:

I am posting again since I have noticed more dreamsigns:

My annoying sister (those dreams bug me big-time) :grrr:
Bam Margera and crew (at least 4 times in 6 months)
Big houses
Broken bridges that I have to figure out how to “cross” (always over water)
Not noticing I’m lucid, LOL, okay that’s actually not funny.