What are some of your personal dreamsigns?

Now that I have my personal list of dream signs plotted out, I can finally make a worthwhile post in this topic! :cool_laugh:

In fact, I’ve already made that list some time ago, so I don’t even have to bother with typing it again:

I’ve also noticed a spike in my Final Fantasy dreams, so you can just go ahead and add that to the list. :wink:

Most often:

Spirits (Ghosts and Angels too)
End Of Universe (wall-to-walk-through)

These are my common dreamsigns:
-Being a girl
-Being in school
-Playing Runescape
-Talking to family members who are deceased IRL
-Family members talking about lucidityI’ve missed 4 out of 5 of them. :tongue:

I actually have a lot of dream signs and I miss them all. The old school is very common. Once somebody very important to me called me in a dream and I thought “damn, it’s just a dream. Ah, anyway.” but I haven’t become lucid. :grrr:

It seems that my Dremsign shifts every month, although i have noticed that recently it’s been a person i know.

Water. Rivers, lakes, oceans, hell, one of the scenarios in my dream last night was a water planet! Sometimes I steal my dad’s car. :shy:

There is only one thing which regularly occurs in my dreams: I see friends or people whom I know.
Except from that, my dreams differ extremely from each other.

Do you think doing a RC whenever I meet friends is a good idea?
Or is that a far too general thing to be used for MILD?

i get that it’s so annoying, sometimes i can get up some speed by adopting a crazy stance like imitating a worm. a dreamsign for me is usually something good happening, those things where in RL you’d think it all seems a little too easy

Not that I’ve actually noticed any of these while dreaming, but:

My old apartment
My old school
Sometimes, fictional characters

I know this phenomenon in a slight variation. I can hardly walk or run, it is, as if I’m walking through water or snow. Sometimes jumping/“Bunny hopping” helps.
But this is no dream sign for me, because it only happens, when I’m already lucid. I think, it happens, if I want to walk somewhere but pay too much attention to the process of walking itself (like moving the legs, putting the feet on the ground, and so on…).

My dreams, well the ones before I started recording them here, were mostly about video games. The games that I was part of were Doom 3,Quake 4, F.E.A.R., Halo 2, And Counter Strike:source. I always would have a gun that I shot zombies, terrorists, or ghosts with. Sometimes the gun didn’t even work or it felt like i was only shooting air.

Although I never became lucid
I do have one dreamtheme

…and that is being chased without really knowing the reason why.

That anxiety… I never feel that need to run away from something in real life.
But it happens to me a lot in dreams.

Maybe I’ll use this to become lucid.

I allways dream about my lizard pet, and the larva that i feed it with… but the larvas are like 10x bigger. And there is allways something weird about the lizard.

I’d say about 95% of my dreams have cats in, so they’re my dreamsign. The problem is I have cats, half my friends have cats and about 10 people on my street have cats. Because the cats in my dreams look so normal, I do like a million RC’s a day cause of this. :blush:

My dream signs tend to stay for a few weeks and move on… for a while it was driving a car, then it was video games, etc.
At the moment, a lot of my dreams take place in my school’s music teaching room - I’ll have to start doing RCs!

Well I just joined this site & I thought I’d get right into it.

I don’t have too many dream signs that trigger lucidity…but in the morning if I have a memory of one of the following, I’ll know it’s a dream. I occasionally do mistake dreams for reality in my awake state and (not so much anymore) will tell people something that I did ‘the other day’ but then realize that it was actually a dream.

So dream signs that do and do not trigger lucidity:
My dream body spinning in circles and me not being able to stop it…
I have about 4 or 5 common dream locations…places that my mind tells me are somewhere I’ve been and I give a name to the place, but they don’t resemble it at all. They just give off the same atmosphere. Anyway, anytime I have a dream in one of these locations I know I’m dreaming…because I’ve analyzed dreams from these places in my awake state and I know I’ve never been to these places…
Being really affectionate or friendly with an acquaintance that I barely know or maybe see very often but never speak with…
I don’t dream in intense color. I can occasionally make out the color of a certain object if it is important…but in general…my dreams are very dull when it comes to color… In my awake state I adore color and I have developed a habit of making myself aware of my surroundings before I settle into them to do whatever it is I’m going to do. If when I do this and I notice that the colors aren’t as vibrant as they probably should be, I’ll know it’s a dream.
I feel that I’m leaving a bunch out. Perhaps I’ll post what I remember of them later.

A few of my dreamsigns are:

1: Trasforming into a werewolf
2: Being trapped in an old, delapidated mansion
3: Playing a bizzare/impossible game or sport

But what turns up a lot are these giant, shaggy black dogs of undeterminable breed- they come in all sizes, from a tiny puppy to the size of a horse, but they all have thick black fur and shiny black or orange eyes.
A long time ago, I had learned that mysterious giant black dogs were a symbol of death in the Middle Ages, and they are the most seen vision in near-death experiances. But these ‘death hounds’ don’t want to kill me or anyone else- in fact, they’re extremely freindly. One of them even let me ride on it’s back.
I think it means that I’m not afraid of death.

White cats
Animals of any kind

These are the more obvious ones besides those that are more like watching a movie than having a dream.

Oh, I almost forgot one:

OK, I’m a LEGO enthusiest. I’ve got a billion LEGO peices in my basement that have made a slew of robots, spaceships, buildings and other random bric-a-brac. But in my dreams, I often find enormous collections of LEGO peices that don’t exist- peices shaped like moveable human hands, little helmets that look like Sauron from ‘Lord of the Rings’, huge, realistic-looking animal heads, and more. As my dream progresses, I just grab hold of anything I can see that catches my interest, wanting more and more. What does it mean?

It’s only bee nthere in two dreams, but it’s just strange. In the dreams were featured an orange car. It’s just an unusual color. and I don’t fancy orange cars. Although I can’t remember seeing one outside of the dreams.