The forest near my backyard (which was recently deforested for commercial interest ) has a lake. Some dreams it is a huge ocean off a cliff, and the one I had last night is a blue wading area. I love that place.
There is the freaky college campus were I always get lost and run freaking fast, a place where laws of physics are regularly broken.
There are hills impossible to climb.
Apartments where you need to jump and climb to get up the Stairs (they aren’t connected to the floor)
And once I beat the living crap out of a demon with a big heavy Crucifix.
My school has endless floors that nobody has fully explored.
killer Weasels are the dominent species.
Everyone is smarter than me in my Dreams
There are Haunted houses on ever street corner filled with vampiers. (from my younger years.)
Uhh…lets see…
It’s not safe out at night
there are dead zones (like on the virizon comercials) but you die in them.
My school is always the first place i appear in at the moment. Kinda annoying because it’s the worst place of my life. I can still do fun things here though.
I’ve got a few recurring settings so far… actually, when I look back at my DJ and reflect a little bit, there are a bunch of places that I’ve visited a LOT, but never really picked up on the fact that I’d been there before (kinda reminds me of the dreamhackers idea that you can make a map of your dreaming world).
Probably the two most common settings right now are school and my work, since they’re both eating my life right now; it bugs me, since I spend so much time at those places already, and it can make RCs difficult . Other, more interesting places include a HUGE mall where I usually get lost, the mountains/wilderness (especially New Mexico), and an island mansion where I’ve gotten lucid many times.
There is a secret passage between the second floor of my grand-parents’ house and the underground of the high school I went to…
It appeared quite often in dreams some years ago.