What Book Are You Reading? — Part II

Goethe ‘Faust’

I just finished reading Neuromancer again. I just don’t know how I’d live without that book.

:bow: -> William Gibson

Still reading Albert Camus’ The Fall: a man’s monologue about how once he was in grace and then his eventual fall from it.
Also started reading Twilight of the Idols by Friedrich Nietzsche. The subtitle is: “How to philosophize with a hammer”. So yes, basically this book is a declaration of philosophical war against lots of things…

I’ve read that too :cool_laugh:. What do you think of it?

I’m reading “Sophie’s World” at the moment. I’ve tried reading the book before but never finished it because I found it a little too childish… but now I have to read it for my philosophy class, so I’m reading that. It’s actually not as bad as I first thought it would be.

I just finished ‘Angels & Demons’ and now i’m starting ‘Size 12 is no fat’

Now I’m reading Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk.

About to start ‘Turn Of The Screw’, although my teacher gave the whole book away to me this morning :ack: If I enjoy this, I’ll pick it as one of my books for my study this year.

I’m rereading pyramids by Terry Pratchett

I love to reread his books it’s so many things that you don’t remember that is funny

and I’m thinking about rereading small gods too

Just finished reading “Pandoras star” by Peter F. Hamilton last night, so now I’m about to start with the sequel, “Judas unchained”. Fascinating stuff, anybody the least bit into scifi should look some of his books up.

Finished that one too. Now I’m reading Thérèse Raquin by Émile Zola.
And Herranen Aika by Arto Paasilinna.

The Golden Bough by James Fraser (although i’m not sure how Bough is pronounced :tongue: ). Though I think I’m not gonna go through with it. I’m feeling very mentally exhausted now and univ starts in a week. So I think i’ll take this week off. I’ll restart reading when univ starts. Ah i know for most people univ/school starting means less oppurtinity and time to read, but it’s quite the opposite for me. I read to much in univ days to keep my mind off stuff like worrying about studying and exams… weird maybe ^^


Alaska by James Michener, as well as re-reading Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe.

Now I’m reading The Hammer of God by Arthur C. Clarke.

I just got finished reading The zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks and am almost finished with Mind Hacks by Tom Stafford & Matt Webb (it has taken me forever because at times that book reads like an manuel to put together a toaster.

Surely you’re joking, Mr. Feynman!

Richard Feynman, nobel prize winner physicist and eccentric character with funny adventure :smile: I really laugh aloud when reading it.

Hopefully tomorrow I can buy “the Pinhoe Egg” by Diana Wynne Jones, my favourite author. I’m not reading anything at the moment - got through three books yesterday and today I’m trying to focus on writing instead.

:rofl: [size=100]HEY[/size] I know someone else who read this book recently!

/me walks out of the topic with a big great smile on the face

Myself, I’ve been reading A Rosa do Povo, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Brazillian poetry. The book is just gorgeous.

Salem’s Lot by Stephen King (in czech) :wink: …it’s one of te best ones I’ve read by him. :smile: Scary.
I read Eragon and Eldest in summer.

I just finished this book, but I was reading “The Garden” by Elsie V. Aidinoff; I enjoyed reading it.