What Book Are You Reading? — Part II

Once Upon A Crime Syndicate :lol:

Right now i’m reading ‘253’ (Geoff Ryman) I’ve not read anything else by him. The idea behind this book appealed to me years ago but i never got round to buying it until now. It’s about 253 people in an underground train, all of the passengers, by coincidence are reaching important points in their lives eg. career change, moving house… Every character is described briefly in 253 words, one page each and the whole book takes place in the Seven and a half minutes before the train crashes.

I am currently reading:

Neil Gaiman - Stardust
Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett - Good Omens
Benjamin Hoff - The Te of Piglet
Cecilia Lindqvist - Empire of the Written Symbol
Josie Warshaw & Stephen Brayne - Prisma’s Big Book of Ceramics

Besides of many books i’m currently reading, i wanted to mention Ray Bradbury’s (one of my favourite writers) “The Halloween Tree”. I’m pretty sure that because of it, i had two long LD’s today morning. As i read the book last evening i found it pretty inspiring - it’s scenery and action is pretty similar to dreaming.

Nausea by Jean Paul Sartre. It’s making me rethink about stuff i haven’t thought about in a while… i hope it doesnt depress me again :tongue:

I’m reading “A Wizard of Earthsea” by Ursula K. LeGuin right now. Ursula K. LeGuin is one of my absolute favorite authors, you can never go wrong with her. I picked up the book yesterday and couldn’t stop reading for 2 hours :razz: hehe.

I’m also reading a book in Swedish called (translated into english) “The Pinocchio Effect” by Henrik Diamant, it’s entertaining lol. It’s about human nature and different experiments that have been done by psychologists and sociologists and things like that.

And last, “What Does it all Mean?” by Thomas Nagel. It’s just a short introduction to philosophy, and since I’ve recently started taking philosophy in school, I stumbled upon this book in the library and borrowed it.

I just finished ‘The Princess and the Captain’ … it’s the best book ever, you have to read it!!

D*mn! That’s Funny!


Fuzzy Dice

I have just finished
“Falling Sideways” by Tom Holt
a surealistic fantasy story

Now I have started
“Lovely Bones” by Alice Sebold
here’s a review click
The narrator is a murdered girl and the vision of heaven made me think of LDs and shared dreaming a little. Everyone can wish/create what they want … where people’s heavens are similar they see each other, but every heaven is personal to the person.
The story talks about her life, her present and watching the people she left behind and how they cope.

Black by Ted Dekker.

It’s about a guy who dreams in one world, falls asleep in that world (fantasy forest type of place), and wakes up in another world (our world maybe, an urban city). He falls asleep in the other world, and wakes up in a fantasy forest. It’s a good dream novel.

I’m reading Crome Yellow by Aldous Huxley. It’s really boring so far. 5 chapters to go.

Ooh, I loved that book! It was very sad, but extremely well-written and totally enthralling. It was one of those I could barely put down, and still think of quite often, years after having read it. I hope you enjoy it, moogle. :smile:

Right now, I’m just beginning The Google Story, a required text for my Business Administration course.

i just finished rereading Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code, The Princess and the Goblin and Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment
But i am actually reading multiple books right now. :tongue:

first: Birdy by William Wharton

second: The Chronicles of Narnia; book four: Prince Caspian (im in the process of rereading all seven books)

third:Harry Potter and the Order of the Phenixby JK Rowling [rereading harry potter series too]

lastly:The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks

and i am about to reread the Inheratince Trilagy.
im a big reader and i really like all of these books. Im glad you asked what book(s) i am reading :content:


I’m glad you’ve reminded me of that author. I’ve been meaning to read something of his for a while after a friend reccomended him.

I had the same problem with ‘Brave New World’. I found it too heavy going.

I am now reading “Size 12 is not fat” :nuu:

Battle Royale

Actually I just finished it…it’s aJapanese novel and one of the best and most controversial novels I’ve ever read :uh:

I recommend this novel to anyone interested :yes:

But I do warn, it’s VERY controversial…

ive hear about the movie of battle royale only :wink:

Though ive read a comic having the same story , only with disney-characters.

NOT for kids :razz:

Yeah, there’re two movies–the sequel’s not that good though :content:

The manga and the novel are where it’s at :ok:

Disney characters :eek:

:lol: I gotta check it out :happy:

Grr. I just finished book 11 of Robert Jordan’s WoT series (phenomenal) but then i remembered that the final book isn;t out and probably won’t be until 2008.

Also…anybody have any good fantasy book suggestions?

Sorry, Lucidity_Master, fantasy isn’t exactly my cup of tea, so I don’t know what’s good and what’s not… :meh:

My current list:
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Blindsight by Robin Cook
My System by Aron Nimzovitch

I like all of them, and they’re all different genres (classic, sci-fi, non-fic (chess), respectively). And two of them are works in translation. Hooray!