What Book Are You Reading? — Part III

Insomnia by Stephen King

The last book I read was Sabriel by Garth Nix. I really enjoyed it, and thought it had the perfect mix of everything. :smile:

I heard about another book about a girl who is dating a vampire…but he doesn’t want to make her a vampire as well. I’ve forgotten the name but it seemed like a really good book. :happy:

oops I kind of posted my post twice by accident when I was trying to edit it… sorry.

Usually I would be reading something by Terry Pratchett becuase I LOVE his books, but right now I’m reading War & Peace by Leo Tolstoy. I really like the way he describes things and introduces characters, but I have to mention that I think an good, important thing about it is the way he shows the etiquette of the Russians in that period and so on. It’s a great book.

My English teacher saw me reading it and she tried to talk me out of it. She said someone my age shouldn’t be reading that. Can you believe it? I though teachers were meant to be supporting and all that stuff!

What’s War & Peace about anyway?

War… and Peace. :razz:

(Actually, I have no clue, never could get into it.)

You’re right - I’ve read Book I and part of Book II and a lot of it was just about Russian formality. Some interesting power struggles are starting though.

I’m taking a break after every section of War & Peace and speed-reading a Discworld novel.

As a Russian I also read that book and found it very interesting, loved the characters :wink:

Actually in Russian the word “mir” can stand both for “peace” and for “world”. Thus there exists a legend that Tolstoy used “mir” in the sense of world or society. I don’t know if it’s true, but it would make sense, since he is describing both the wars and the life of the Russian society at that time.

Found it in the library. I’ve started reading these chapters that all feature the same character (recommended by Basilus :ok:) - ‘The Statement of Randolph Carter’ ‘The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath’ The Silver Key’ and ‘Through the Gates of the Silver Key’

I didn’t enjoy it at first, partly because of the old style language which i find almost impossible to understand sometimes :eek:. But I am getting more interested now, halfway into ‘The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath’ I like his description of the strange scenery and living creatures around him.

I’m reading the third Space Odyssey book: 2061: Odyssey Three. It’s different from the first two…the first part of it is a little tough to keep reading. But very interesting, overall.

Its been a while since i read a fiction book. :yes: But now im on holidays from studies and enjoy reading Three Comrades by Erich Maria Remarque. :read: :content:

I’m 2/3 done with Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. The book discusses how people tend to ignore just how much randomness can influence our life. It also discusses how people tend to misinterpret probability. It’s an interesting premise, but at times the author does seem a bit narcissistic… I recommend reading the prologue and intro before purchasing the book. See if you like his style first. If not, I recommend Calculated Risks by Gerd Gigerenzer. I’ve only just begun the book, but it has the same premise as Fooled by Randomness and is far more well-written.

I’m also reading Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath. It talks about how you can make your ideas… well… stickier. It basically discusses the “Stickiness” ideas in Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point, but in far more detail. The book says that there are six keys to making a sticky idea:


Put it all together and you get SUCCESs. It’s an interesting book for people who want to be more exciting in presentations, write better articles, or even analyze why some commercials are amazing and other commercials… are not…

The guiness world book of records 2007. I know that you’re thinking “how can you read a record book” and i don’t know either. I’m also reading The dangerous book for boys but I still can’t manage to make a paper hat into a boat :crying:

I am reading the harry potter books.The 7th is about to come out.I am only on the third one.

I am rereading the Wheel of Time series. I’m on Book 5 The Fires of Heaven. I wanted to refresh myself before I read book11: Path of Daggers.

Lately I haven’t had the concentration for a book, though I started “Watchers” by Dean Koontz. (Very good.) I took a weak attempt at “Good Omens” that was suggested by Bruno, but the Britishy language isn’t something that flows easily onto my distracted mind. :tongue:

Watchers is Koontz’s best book IMO. I read it twice then gave it to a friend. You should try “From the Corner of His Eye” by Koontz also.

You know, when I saw your name I thought that maybe it had come from sheepherder, Lan’s nickname for Rand in the wheel of time. Am I right?

I love the Wheel of Time. I’ve read it all through about three times I think, though only read the lastest book once as it wasn’t out the first two times I read it. I remember a few years ago when I read the first book, it seemed so full of magic and mysticism it was amazing. Plus the LD’s in it help a bit!

But going on to what I’m reading, I’m re-reading the Black Magician Trilogy by Trudi Canavan. Very good.

Also the lord of the rings, I’m always reading the lord of the rings. If I feel a bit low, I just pick it up and read some of it. It’s amazing how happy it can make me.

Got the Lucid Dreaming from the library today
Have read I, Robot before though.

So Now I know what to read at bedtime.

The Bible. :read: