I have indeed read the rest of the series, in that order. I was waiting for Assassin’s Fate to be released before I began the Fitz and the Fool trilogy. Really enjoying it so far. Amazing read.
Also, have you heard of Mark Lawrence’s newest, Red Sister? Harper Collings put up a sample, (not sure if you can access that). But it’s totally on my to read. I hear it’s a bit like Jay Kristoff’s Nevernight, but a bit more gory. So yeah.
I haven’t heard of Red Sister yet, but I can imagine who it’s about already. Red Queens War is a great read, as was the Broken Empire trilogy, and they’re both related to each other, which is interesting, a huge common world built between the two trilogies. I get the feeling this is the start of another trilogy, would I be right in guessing that? Either way, i’m definitely interested.
Never read Nevernight, though. I’ve been getting through a few fantasy type books lately though, Scott Lynch’s books are especially good, The Gentleman B*stard series is one to keep an eye on. Imagine a dark (really damn dark, seriously) fantasy setting, not much magic going on but it is present, and we’re following a band of thieves and conmen. I’ve heard it likened to being a fantasy Oceans Eleven, but much more grim, and hilarious in places too.
Daniel Polansky’s Low Town books are also really good. Again, a criminal in a fantasy setting, this time following a guy called Warden, a drug dealer who used to be a soldier, and his life in Low Town.
And, for fans of Lovecraft, Charles Stross’s Laundry series is pretty fantastic, it’s like James Bond vs Cthulhu, sort of, except The Laundry (which is the branch of the secret service for this stuff) is equipped with paranormal weapons, and the main character is an IT technician rather than a suave super-spy. Thankfully, his IT skills do come in handy, because magic can be done via complicated mathematics, but generally is best to be done via computer program (or smartphone app).