What Book Are You Reading? -- Part V

I’m reading Psychocybernetics since someone recommended it to me. It’s soooo amazing, and I haven’t even made it to the second chapter yet!

I read: My New Filing Technique is Unstoppable, and: My New Fighting Technique is Unstoppable, with the former of the two being the funnies. It was a sort of absurd-humor comic type thing. I was crying I was laughing so hard at times. It has a lot of swearing in it though, A LOT, so heads up, hahaha.

Wow, it’s really been slow around here…

Reading Europe Through the Back Door by Rick Steves. It has a lot of valuable travel information and tips for saving money in Europe. For instance, eat a lot of picnics when in Europe, can save up to $10 per meal. Or, stay at hostels, and save 50 dollars in Scandinavia per night. Stuff like that. Very exciting stuff to read about, travel. I can’t wait to go this summer, then once again next October.

Also, stalled on the Three Muskateers, hopefully temporarily. The way the characters talk to women is awful, so ridiculously old fashioned…I stopped reading it because of it. Considering 1/3 of the book is exactly that, you can see why I quit reading, hahaha.

Hahaha, true, people don’t read books in January? :tongue:

/me has been finishing some of the books he posted about before, but which he didn’t have an opportunity/the patience to finish when he started them. :tongue:

i finished Timequake, which might have been my favorite Vonnegut yet. It’s between that and Cat’s Cradle.

Also got through The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger, which was pretty much the best thing ever. Started on The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three, but i’m not liking it as much (at least from the first 30 or so pages). It’s still good though

i have Dune here but i’m not quite sure if i am going to get around to reading it anytime soon. Might finish all the Dark Tower first, i’m sorta hooked.

I’m reading “Marley and Me”, it’s pretty good. It’s about a couple that decides to get a dog, which turns out to be the most naughty and untrainable dog in the world :tongue:

I’m currently reading “The Husband” by Dean Koontz. I always think that a book will be strange or not interesting but I seem to almost always like them… I guess I just doubt too much. I really like the Dean Koontz books I’ve read lately, and I recommend “Odd Thomas” and the two sequels to anyone that’s interested.

Finished Bourne Ultimatum. Pretty good trilogy, although I felt that Bourne Identity was the best of the three. The third one was a lot easier to put down than the first two.

I am now reading A Writer at War, by Vasily Grossman, about the German campaign in Russia during the Second World War. Very interesting stuff. It has a bunch of tidbits of information about how life was then, what they ate, as they retreat further and further back into Russia. A bit I enjoyed was how, after a German soldier froze solid, some Russians would lift them back onto their feet, and so he would stand there, completely dead and immobile until a huge gust of wind would knock them over. Fun stuff.

Still reading the Three Musketeers, although slow progress is being made. I started No Birds Sang on the Second World War as well, by Farley Mowat. It’s a harder read though, because it’s a rather darker book, about the atrocities of war. Fun stuff.

Inspired by the porteño charm of the town I’m calling “home” for the week, I’m currently reading Jorge Luis Borges’ Ficciones (again :roll:) and Julio Cortázar’s Rayuela. :smile:

Jon, my mom is a huge Robert Ludlum fan. After he died, Eric Van Lustbader took over writing Bourne novels. He’s written two more, Bourne Legacy and Bourne Betrayal. Anyway, my mom says their both really great, especially Bourne Betrayal.

Finished Lord of the Flies in English class. Now we’re reading Frankenstein. It looks pretty interesting! We’ve been reading some poems written around the same time as Frankenstein. The themes of isolation etc. interest me quite a bit. :happy:

I liked lord of the flies and frankenstein^^

But now the question is what book are you reading?
I am reading at the moment, no wrong way to begin,
the day before yesterday I bought the sequel to Ender’s Game “Speaker for the dead” by Orson Scott Card I had forgotten how much I enjoyed his writing and I had finished reading his book 00:30 in the night the same day.
And yesterday I bought the sequel to the sequel and began reading “The Xenocide”
Almost finished reading it now^^
Soon time for “Children of the Mind” , “Ender’s shadow” and so on.


A week or so ago I began reading Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre :smile:

I just finished EWLD , i read it in two days :rofl:

I started and have finished Thomas Moore’s book Utopia today. It was pretty good, I liked it…but I wouldn’t read it again, hahaha. Read it for Humanities, a pretty interesting course.

the second book of the utopia made me have some of the funniest laughs in the history of education. i can’t believe he was serious about that description.

Angels & Demons - Dan Brown
In Cold Blood - Capote
Piercing the Darkness - Frank Pereti


I am reading History of art because I have exam tomorrow.:smile:

Currently, I, am reading “The Toyminator” by Robert Rankin, having recently finished “The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of The Apocalypse” by the same; the former being the sequal to the latter. They’re both as good as. It is well known, to those who know it well, that in order to fully understand this sentence and the last, one would need to read these two fine books (there’s motivation for you).
Also, in short but productive literary bursts, I am reading “The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins, and also “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis, which I must say has changed me no end. On top of these, I also occasionally dip into either my “Book of General Ignorance”, full of unneccessary but interesting facts such as the Earth having a total of seven moons, and George Washinton’s teeth being owned originally by a hippopotamus.

In the long term, I consider myself as reading Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels. I have so far, since last summer read ‘Soul Music’, ‘Jingo’, ‘The Last Continent’, ‘Carpe Jugulem’, ‘The Fifth Elephant’, and ‘Moving Pictures’. And for my next trick I shall be reading ‘The Color of Magic’.

Just got done reading The Strange Life of Ivan Osokin… awesome book!