What Book Are You Reading? -- Part V

Read around half of Candide by Voltaire for my humanities class. I found it pessimistic, depressing, and disturbing. Not a favourite of mine, hahaha. :tongue:

Song in the Silence

finished up Frankenstein recently, which was overall enjoyable however it dragged on at the beginning and the end. Let’s face it, Robert Walton writes stupid letters :bored:

Also reading Dune, i’d say about 5/8ths done with it. I enjoy it so far, however i think that it’s starting to, well not drag on, but get a bit cliche.(there’s that cl again). I thought it was really interesting when they first landed on the desert planet but it seems that none of the stuff they did in the time between then and the turning point of the book even mattered. However, as i tend to pretty much soak up anything i read, yeah, i like it for the most part. Definitely not a favorite of mine though.

Next up is The Great Gatsby. I tried to read this a few years ago and hated it, but my teacher reccommended i take the English Lit AP test and my Speech teacher said that Gatsby is a really good one to read for that test (need to write comparative essays). After Gatsby i’ll pick up Ulysses, part because i know that will help me for the test too, part just to say i’ve read it, and part because, well, i want to. Also will try my luck on Brave New World if i have time between them, right after i realize that i am only writing this much about books i WILL read to put off doing that comp/speech draft for a few precious seconds

Im trying to read “also sprach zarathustrha” by nietzsche … interresting , if sometimes weird …
“I teach you the superhuman” :razz:

I just finished Sourcery by Terry Pratchett. That means we now have only one more book that I can read before I finish all the books in the house, and I’m not very interested in this last book.

PS. Queen SD - I’ve just realized I’m the same age as you - and you’re way better at pix-art. (HOW do people do that [your avatar]?) I need to learn how to draw properly - currently I can draw stickmen and shortswords. Anything else I draw looks out of proportion with bad colour.

I’m actually currently reading Lord of the Flies. It’s a required book for sophomores at my school.

The DaVinci Code- extremely interesting

I’m reading a book called World War Z.
It’s about a war with zombies and how they almost bring the human race to extinction.
It’s very realistic, it scares me because it convinces me that zombies will attack us one day!!! :help:

The ABC murders :content:

I’m reading that as well :grin:

I’m also trying to read about five other books at once… its not going to well…

:tongue: I’ve been meaning to read that for a while.

I’m reading a lot right now. For school I just finished the play “Waiting for Godot” and the books “The Metamorphosis” and “The Stranger.” (Existentialist unit :nuu: )

In my spare time I’m reading a two-in-one book from my library: “The Hyperion Cantos.” It’s sci-fi and rather interesting if you have the time to read it. :tongue: I also just finished reading “The Cosmic Serpent,” and interesting mix of memoir and a comparison between shamanism and DNA. It’s not well researched but it’s a fun, quick read.

Oh snap, that’ll be on the AP lit test?!? I’m in an IB/AP English class so we haven’t read a single American classic. :bambi: We keep reading all this Existentialist, Feminist, and World Lit stuff.

no particular book is ‘on’ the lit test. there are two parts, first being reading comprehension and analysis and such. The second part is the essays, where a rather extensive literary background is reccommended so that you have a lot of material to cite and compare to, because that’s what you’ll be doing. At least, in the midwest U.S., that’s the ap test.


I finished this book by Joyce called A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, i’m sure you’ve heard of it.

It was fine, sure, but i haven’t been so bored by a book in quite some time. Honestly, it seemed that nothing happened the whole time. I liked the part where this once chick named Dante (who was apperently an old women but i picutred her in her 20s) was argueing with the protagonist’s family, but then Dante isn’t mentioned in the book after that. It seems that the whole thing could be condensed into the last section of the book, which was also reletively enjoyable though still long winded.

Started now on The Drawing of the Three, or rather am almost finished with it, second part of The Dark Tower. Ahh, pleasurable reading, how i missed thee.

Right now I’m reading ‘Collected Fictions’, ‘World War II Letters’, and I’m not reading this one but I want to: Catch 22, I don’t know if we have a copy of it though.

Haha, funny you should mention that, KT. I just picked up Catch 22 to read for school (gotta crank out a book report by the end of this week). I haven’t gotten very far into it yet, but it seems pretty interesting.

I’m also reading This Present Darkness by Frank E. Peretti. I wasn’t really sure about this one at first, since it’s a very Christian-themed book (I’m Christian myself, but these sorts of books always lag a bit for me). I picked it up anyway, and now I’m about halfway into it and loving it :content: .

I’m also sorta reading Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan (The Wheel of Time series rocks, but I wish it wasn’t so long :tongue: ).

I just started reading The Witching Hour by Anne Rice. Very good read so far.

I just finished the books “I’d tell you i love you but then i’d have to kill you” and “every boy’s got one” in the past three days and now i’m beginning to read “skulduggery pleasant”. I got a huge pack of books to finish :razz:

I got that for my birthday :happy:

I’ve been doing barely any reading lately… and i have about 10 books to read…

I´m re-reading “Final Game” by a German author called Britta Glodde. Rather interesting read. Basically it takes place in an unknown future, rougly some 6 or 7 centuries from now, in Cologne. After a huge war, large parts of the earth are desert or something, as is Cologne where it all takes place. Humans have separated into two races, one of them being more resistant to heat and water shortages and people spend most of their freetime in so called holodromes, huge halls for virtual reality games where whole holographic worlds can be created for adventure games and such. The main character, a young woman in her late 20s is one of these players and loves it until one day she can not quit the game any longer and is stuck in one of these halls. By and by she gets integrated into the game which is now life threatening for her and she gets to know that there is a large scale conspiracy going on…

Really interesting read.

I’m starting to read Catch-22.