What Book Are You Reading? - Part VII

dreamcatcher by stephen king

i am reading two books that i highly recommend to ages 12/14 and up [depending on what books your parents think are appropriate].

the knife of never letting go, by patrick ness - a good sci-fi book about humans who settle on a new planet and went to war with aliens. the aliens release a germ that kills all the females, and enables the males AND the animals of the planet to read/hear each others minds uncontrollably and with no censors. everything they think is broadcasted to the whole town.

the hunger games, by suzanne collins - a book about the future of north america being run by an awful government. there are 12 districts, and every year there is a horrible event called “the hunger games”, in which a boy and a girl are selected from each district, put in an extremely large nature-like arena, and are forced to fight to the death on live TV while the rest of the country watches. the last child alive is the winner.

Everyone’s reading that book at my school. It’s driving me insane.

I’m currently reading Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice. I hope I end up enjoying it; I bought all three books without ever having read any of them. Heh. So far, it’s gripping.

I LOVE Anne Rice. I have ready almost everyone of her vampire books and Mayfair Witches (the witching hour) I love how she takes you back in time. I almost love her books for that alone more so then for the vampires. Although you really feel like you get to know her characters. :content:

just finished up edge of victory 1 conquest… i love star wars

wow :eh:
A lot of read really deep, interesting, cool books…
:wam: And what have I been reading?
Maximum ride, by James Patterson :hurray:
Its really cute and funny series…
Its abouts these people who were being experimented on, and became Avian Hybrids.

just finished The Golden Compass. My next LD I think I’m going to find out what my Daemon would be. Now I’m reading the second book to the trilogy. :content:

reading the new testament… wow i guess i thought this was facebook or something lol!

"Voice of the gods " of the “Age of the five” trilogy by Trudi Canavan
The black magicians trilogy was already good but this … WOW !!!

rereading “Sword of Truth” series by Terry Goodkind, with the emperor Jagang being a ‘dreamwalker’

Currently reading “The new alliance” by Prigogine and Stengers: it’s a sciencey book about theories at the foundation of our conception of science and of the world as science sees it: can the determinism of speed and position of molecules be ever put face to face with the seeming randomness of quantum mechanics? In this book, the importance of time is explained, not only as a mere 4th dimension, but as a veichle of continous and irreversible evolution, to join the opposites.
It’s a little boring at first, bu it’s getting very interisting in the middle chapters. I reccomend it for who’s a little acknowledged in philosophy. (there’s a quite a bit of that in the beggining too)

Ender’s game.
A science fiction book by Orson Scott Card.
I’m really liking it so far. :content:

Ok, Finished Age of he Five : If you like Fantasy even a little bit Get those books !!! I’m serious.

Starting With Imanuel Kant’s Critique Of pure reason :woo:

Right now i’m reading “Astral Dynamics” by Robert Bruce. Love his theories on OBE’s.

Reading “The Devil in the Shape of a Woman” written by Carol F. Karlsen. So far really good, it’s about the persecution of witches in New England, and the political, religious and demographic aspects it was situated in.

Reading The Lab by Jack Heath

Then The Hunger Games and Chasing Fire by Suzanne Collins.

The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand

I’m nearly done, and it’s excellent.

The Count of Monte Crisco

It’s about a guy who’s life was perfect, then he was wrongfully thrown in jail for a long time, when he finally gets out, he discovers a great treasure and plots his revenge on those who wronged him.

Amazing book. :grin:

LOTR: Return of the King. :happy: