What can't you do in Lucid Dreams.

I still believe that dreams are something which takes place in your mind and only your mind. Therefore you can’t learn anything “new” in dreams. What is possible though is improving/going more in-depth about already known things or combining known things into something which seems to be new. But if you believe that dreams or AP is something entirely else, then of course the limits are different, too. :peek:

That’s the question here: Do you really know how to fly? Is what you do in a dream the real flying? Is what you feel in a dream what flying actually feels like? As long as you haven’t done paragliding or something similar before, you can’t answer these questions. Unlike a bird’s brain, the human mind doesn’t know how to fly. However, we watch movies, see pictures and read books where people fly. We see the birds fly above us, and our mind absorbs this information. When flying in a dream, our mind uses this information to simulate a flying experience, and it chooses feelings which come, as far as we know, the closest to flying: Riding a rollercoaster, swimming, floating on water,… I could tell you in all detail what flying with wings in my back in dreams feels like, but I don’t think anyone can tell you if that is what it really feels like. :smile:

I could swear that there was a thread like this before sometime, but I can’t find it…[/size]

i don’t allways fly in dreams, but when i do

i either slowly glide down stairs or climb up on walls a bit then glide from there.
also making long jumps and grabbing walls and light poles are a good idea.
you can develop a more advanced flying technique (like superman) but personally i find these ways much more entertaining.


I do agree with u. What can be done/ can’t be done depends on the perception of the person who views AP/LD. But, if seen from wider angle, each human mind is interconnected into web/network. If u believe LD and AP are different things, then the possibilities are entirely different. In fact, i feel AP is more ‘real’ and lively than a dream, though i have achieved OBE only once. A simple fact to prove this, extensive research have been carried on by american military forces in the field of astral projection and the result of their experimentation is that, they have been able to precisely locate their targets via AP. If what u say holds good, i.e, only what the mind already knows it can identify, then this would nt have possible. Although, it can be entirely different in LD’s. The actual target may vary according to what your mind perceives it to be.