Greetings. I’m new here. I want to share a recent experience I had, and maybe you can tell me what it was (OBE, LD …)
I’ve had several experiences that were either LDs or OBE’s or other, but i don’t know the difference to clearly. I am, however, familiar with the peculiar sensations (sleep paralysis, floating sensation, voices and sounds…).
I haven’t had an LD experience in recent years. I’ve only come to the point of Sleep Paralysis many times recently, usually waken up from sleeping. When i feel the onset, I recognize the opportunity for an LD/OBE but I most often rouse myself cause I feel a strange pain in my side. Sometimes when there is no pain, I’ll try to stay relaxed, but nothing happens.
Anyhow, in this recent experience I was at work at my boring job – overnight security officer – and I was lying uncomfortably on the ground in front of a door that leads to a stairwell, and aside a door that leads to a empty hallway with pink carpet. I was lying on my side, taking a nap cause I was feeling tired. I might note here that recently I’ve been having trouble sleeping cause of vivid dreams and hypnogogia that tend to rouse me from falling asleep or the dreams are vivid/strange that they rouse me awake.
So, I’m lying down for maybe 15 minutes there, and after being aware of some hypnogogic images, I gently drift to sleep. Wether I was dreaming or having a long hypnogogic flash, I noticed I was in the parking lot of my building at this point. I happened to notice that there were alot more cars in the lot that should be (there are normally 2 cars, but I saw 20 at least in the imagery) and at this moment I quickly thought “oh, I’m dreaming.” Immediately after thinking this, I pushed off the ground in an attempt to fly. I should mention that I’ve never consciously or unconsciously flew in a dream. Most of my LD’s are brief (as you will see in the case of the current one being described), and it was my first experience that was the longest one.
So, as I stomped the ground at the instant of lucidity, I found myself back in my body, but with the weightless floating sensation. The sensation seems from my upper half, torso and head, and it felt as if I were floating back into the stairwell. No paralysis was present, so I relaxed and waited for what followed. I felt floating upwards, no imagery at first, but then I appeared to be in a sort of pink, ugly hallway. I floated down after feeling in control, and I came to the end of the hallway, where I attempted to go through the wall. I couldn’t go through the wall, but saw that there was a door there. I opened the door and was excited that I was now in the more familiar halls of my office building. In fact, i was at the spot where I was napping. I darted down the hall, running toward the lobby, half glancing down at the ground where I should se me body, and I did see it in a glimpse (I’ve never seen it before in these types of experiences). Once in the lobby, I got to the door facing the lot. I wanted to go outside and attempt to fly – a second attempt, as this feat is what I most desire to experience in such a state. I can’t remember if I tried to go through the door or not, but I remember opening the door, stepping outside, and then I kicked off the ground with both feet. At that instant I felt, what I’m guessing, was my REAL feet hit the wall where I was napping. I woke right then, happy to have had even a very brief, yet vivid and lucid experience. All this seemed to not take even a moment’s time.
I apologize if this has been unbearably long to read.
Thanks for any responses!