what did you call lucid dreams before you knew it was LD?

i had seen the nova dreamer(or maybe that other one that was bfore it) on a tv show called ‘beyond 2000’ sumtime in the 1990’s it said all this cool stuff that you could(claimed that it was the enext virtual reality-wheres the first?) do and i was very interested but the school library had nothing on it and at the time i didnt even know how to use a computer let alone the internet(not that there would have been anything like this even if i had) anyway years passed,
i went to a bording school, 2 more years passed and i came to senior part of the bording school where the net is always available…one day i recalled that thing i had seen on the TV show and searched for ‘concious dreaming’ and i think also ‘awake dreaming’ because thats what the show had made it out to be (‘a light that wakes you up enough to still be in your dreams’) and i found what it was really called, that was all of 4 years ago…the early days were fustrating but still fun.

I called it conscious dreaming then!
That was in 1984 :content:

I called it dream control. That’s what I first searched for on the Internet. I did see Waking Life and that was what reminded me of LDs, and I heard the term ‘lucid dreams’ mentioned in it, but I couldn’t remember the word ‘lucid’ when i was searching. I don’t think I’ve ever used it when not discussing LDs :tongue: .