Ddint see this as amade topic so i figured i’d ask.What in the world did anyone do before playstation two cameout? I dont remeber that far back not even hanging out with my friends or listening too music geez what abotu you guys?
Wow, you must have a short memory. Dreamcast! Didn’t last very long, but it was the first system to come out in the generation so it was what I got first. PSone of course. Final Fantasy and Tekken were the main games for me. And also some Resident Evil here and there. I was more into my Nintendo 64 as a whole when it came to a system. Zelda 64 was so great. Recently I have thought about breaking out the N64 and replaying through Zelda 64, just for fun.
Before that it was Super Nintendo and Genisis. I like Genisis more. Even though Nintendo had a lot of good games, I just like Sega more at the time.
As for non-gaming stuff. I guess high school stuff. I was listening to music a lot and hanging out with my friends a lot more than I do now, mainly because I didn’t have a girlfriend at the time.
kewl. i have a good memory but the time before that is really blurry that all i do remember killing things on video games not a sports person love the bloodshed.
I still remember the great times of playing Amiga… I now have a PS2 myself, but the good old times of Amiga gaming was much more fun and enjoyable.
How old are you now anyways?
I still remember Atari pong. Then:
Atari 2600
Saga genesis
Saturn and play station ( both came out at about the same time)
Nintendo 64 (big mistake)
There was an Atari jaguar system in there some where but I don’t remember exactly when that hit the market. It did not last long.
Don’t mean to get into a debate at all, but why was Nintendo 64 a big mistake. I thought it was a great system. Zelda 64, Perfect Dark, Golden Eye, Mario 64, Bad Fur Day. Those are just a few.
i am 15 years old but i played alot of old games so please dont doubt my experience due to my age.
It just did not have a good mix of games and had only a few that I would have liked. Playstation had a game for everyone. It did not matter what kind of games you liked. You would find games for you with the playstation. Anyway the lack of games I like was the reason I did not buy one.
The reason I say it was a mistake is prior to that Nintendo dominated the gaming market. Look at where they are at now.
It was a failure due to nintendo chosing cartridge based games instead of cd or dvd ones… The cartridges for the n64 had very limited storage space compared to a normal cd, so they had to sacrifice texture quality, soundquality and so on just to get enough room for the game itself and it made the games harder to make and more expensive aswell.
man i now barely even play my ps2.occupied with crap from school and my feelings and stuff.
I spent quite alot of time playing PS2 with my brothers. Before PS2…?
Of course there was the PS1! Or does that count as the same thing? I also spend quite alot of time playing Zelda on Game Boy colour. Links Awaking, Oracle (wrong spelling) of Seasons and Ages, or I did before I came to Shanghai. Made the silly mistake of leaving my Gameboy at home! There were also the good old games on N64, the most classic being Mario 64, I loved that game! Also this space game with a fox and other random animals that I coant remenber the name of! Why was the N64 a mistake?
Super smash bros for 64 kicks ass. And, one ofthe first bond games for 64 was one of the best fps’s I have ever played. They have never come close to duplicating that game, all the new bond games blow hard.
Heh, the game you are thinking of is Starfox 64. It had two earlier games on the SNES. And a few on Gamecube now.
I agree that Nintendo did make the mistake of going with cartridges instead of disks. But I don’t think that takes much away from what it had. I’m not saying N64 was better than Playstation, because nothing can ever compair to Tekken, Final Fantasy VII, Grand Turismo, Resident Evil, and Tony Hawk. Playstation had a lock on just about every genre in video games. Which might not be true anymore.
no still true everything else is just a gay system made for kkids that cant handle the power of the ps2 or the game play.
What! I honestly do not know what you mean. I have no doubt in saying Gamecube reigns supreme in the strictly single player adventure game genre. As much as I hate to admit the X-box is also very good at creating amusing FPS that are truly not childish in any way.
i should be more specific.I am a fighting game player and not much more and the only good fighting game on x box was doa,while as far as i know adn can think of right now game cube doesnt have any besides smash bro. melee,therefoire i was speaking more toward fighting game genre sorry for the confusion.
Ps1, Dreamcast. Dreamcast is the ultimate system! All those haters out there who be hating on Phantasy Star online should shut their stupid mouths and take a look around cuz none of their lame online consoles games would be around without it! Not only this, but the short-lived dreamcast was a REVOLUTIONARY system. It produced some of the BEST games known to date! WhoohooooO!!!
By the way, ya’ll forgot sega cd.
I don’t recall ever saying anything negative against the dreamcast. I have a dream cast. I don’t have a lot of game for it but, I do still play it once in a while.
However, if as you said, dream cast is responsible for this wave of online games. I just might have to revise my opinion. I absolutely despise the concept of on line gaming. First, you have to pay a good chunk of money to buy the game. Then, you have to pay a monthly fee for the privilege of playing the game you bought!
Yep, you are right, we forgot all about saga cd.