What did you do in your First LD?

I probably flew. Don’t remember my first one. I just generally flew and tried to fly out into space back then. Didn’t work so well a lot of the time, at least getting into space didn’t.

Let me see if I can remember (it was quite a long time ago)…
I tried to turn the light on using various methods, and failed.
I tried to summon my friends so I could talk to them, and failed.
I wandered around a little and looked at stuff.
I jumped out a window. It was like going down an invisible slide. I yelled as I went down, and had a false awakening thinking I had yelled in real life.

i tried to fly :happy: .was so confident :content: .didn’t work :sad: .wake up :grrr:

I just had my first ld a couple of days ago.Im not sure why but i decided to do a rc.I pushed my finger through my palm and then i double checked by looking at my hand and i had 6 fingers.So i started to get excited but reminded myself to stay calm.Thats all I remember.I didnt wake up though.

In my first (and only) LD, I was in a dark, windy place, I reality checked and had my left hand with an additional finger or more, and a little fatter, and I realized this was a dream. Having had decided to create a dreamworld, I started desiring a barren, empty place (maybe I already was there) tobuild my things on, but soon zoned out to a scene from the previous dream, where I was throwing a window curtain as a net to catch humongous bees in a fruit bowl. Then had a false awakening and told my parents about the LD. Then I woke up.

My first LD was very vivid, but I managed to ruin it…For some weird reason I thought that something, anything should happen as soon as I’m lucid. Of course nothing happened, so I thought that the dream maybe didn’t recognize that I became lucid. (I really thought that. Mind you, I wasn’t low lucid.) In order to fix this, I screamed: “I’m lucid!”, I got overexcited and woke up.

When I was 5 I had a LD and I was completely sure about being inside a dream. I could change the colors of the walls and the sky and run very very fast.

However, I’m unsure if a dream I had when I was 3 was an LD as well, I crafted an house from an stone with will power and made it perfectly nice for me (at the time), not sure, probably not, but still, close enough.

So ok my first LD was MINDBLOWING for me. I was dreaming it couple months ago so I’am new here :smile:. Ok the dream starts in my room.I was laying in my bed (seems like I was going to sleep) and suddenly I fell asleep.So I was dreaming 2 dreams. In that second dream I was in San Francisco or in Chicago (LOL I’am living in Europe and I never been in States :happy: ).It was night and I was runing somewhere with some guy.We were near some old house in city center and I shout to that guy “Why do we runing?” He stoped and grabbed me and pushed me to a wall.He said “Don’t you get it it is a dream and my duty is to wake you up.” I was shocked. He released me and opened the door of that old house.“C’mon”-He shouted.But I was standing and didn’t realised thath this is just a dream.He grabbed me and we ran to the top of this house.Suddenly I said “So if this is a dream why can’t I rewind time” Suddenly I felt that I was runing backwards the glass were rewinding and door closing itself.So I stoped the rewinding in that moment were that guy grabbed my hand and we were runing to the top of the bulding.He were opening the door to the rooftops but I thought “If I can do rewind so let’s make a diffrent landscape when he will open the door” The 1 idea in my head was desert and piramids.He opened the door and we were in the rooftops but near of it there were piramids lot of sand and the epic part sand storm.That guy ran near the edge ot the rooftop and said “If you want to wake up jump” He jumped but I don’t.I thought “Why the hell I need to jump were I can explore my dreamworld” But suddenly someone opened the door grabbed me and punched me in to the face and I fell down to the ground.Strangly I woke up in 1 dream did something to (Can’t remember what exacly) and I woke up to real world :smile:. That’s the most strangest thing I dreamed about simply MINDBLOWING.0_o

P.S New Guy here :wink:

If only my DCs were that nice!

In my first LD , i tried to materialize an hoverboard, did not worked,
i tried to fly, did not worked, so italked to a friendly DC,started to lose lucidity ,and woke up to write it down.

I remember this specifically…

I summoned all of the girlfriends throughout my life into one room.
But I was not seen, behind some sort of window… and I watched.
I watched them closely on their reactions toward one another. I assumed they had known that each were once my lover.
They had mixed feelings, awkward for the most part.
I stood mesmerized…

Different races and personalities, but they were all beautiful. Beautiful specifically to my eyes and heart.
I started to question. What is the meaning of this? What is the meaning of all these past lovers? What is the meaning of women?

By the time anyone could answer me… I awoke to the smell of coffee.

I was playing a game of football with some people from school in my grandfather’s garden and realized I was dreaming. I flew out of the garden and landed on the roof of a building. I looked around and looked at the slate tiles on the roof and saw my reflection.