I have had 1 lucid dream, and that faded very fast and I wasnt completely in control and didnt have the time to talk to anyone.
I just realised that in my dreams I cant remember talking to dream characters very often, if something is happening, it seems more like there is some sort of mutual understanding between me and the dream characters…
There have been few occasions, for example when I told my brother to run into the field when there was a earthquake in one dream. but other than that there usually is no talk…
how is it for you guys, is there a difference in how much dream characters talk in a normal dream and lucid dream, what about what do they say? Any idea why my dream characters dont talk to me, and if something is communicated its more likely to be telepathic or just understanding?
Hmmm, I think this is different 4 all dreamers…in my dreams ppl are only communicating with me on a low scale…only now and then i have a real long conversation…but…ehm…the communication with other dream caracters never made me lucid in a dream…never!
I get lucid by or just knowing that i dream or by doing things that are not possible in real life and then knowing that i dream, never by interaction from dream caracters.
in my normal dreams the caracters speak a lot to me and to other people. i have real conversations. in most of my normal dreams i’m in these crowded places…
but in my one and only proper lucid dream, there was quiet and just a few people… i dunno is it always like that…
When I read that statement I thought the same thing. But then I remembered my very first LD was after a DC told me my surroundings were a dream. That DC was my Grandmother. I’ll refrain from posting the whole dream. In the dream, It was after a case of déjà vu and my Grandma asked “you do know this is a dream? Don’t you?” I said “this is a dream?” and she nodded her head while her face looked as if she was thinking ofcourse this is a dream. I looked around and was amazed at the realness.
That’s what inspired me to learn more … well … that and a mix of demon nightmares :nervous: , and later I learned the term “lucid dream.”
I’ve had encounters with all imaginable types of DC’s. Some were blank staring and emotionless, some talkative and gregarious, others just babbled nonsense. If it is a familar person, they usually are exactly like they are in real life. Though I’ve been able to have long and deep meaningful conversations with complete stranger DC’s. Some DC’s seem familar in the dream, but I’ve never really met them in waking reality.
It does seem that most times the conversations are done without speech, like telepathy … or something.
I don’t seem to notice the “babbling nonsense” DC’s in normal dreams. If I did it could easily initiate lucidity. Once lucid I’m more aware of the “glitches.” So I think the same assortment of DC’s exist in both LDs and ND’s. It is just your awareness of LDs that allow you to realize the differences.
yeah, I started wondering about it when I realized that DCs seldom talk in my dreams…
once I get lucid properly, first thing Im doing is talking to some dream characters and then telling one of them to come and tell me Im dreaming next time they see me. After that Im calling my dream guardian. Anytips on this dream guardian thing? can you ask them to come and tell you whenever you are dreaming?
I have conversations with people in both lucid and normal dreaming. I think it largely depends on the scenario that my mind is working on. I can recall things that people said especially if its loud or something strange.
I think the only difference with lucid dreams is that I recall more of what has been said AND … of course… I can steer the conversation cogently. I once came upon this guy sorting silverware (after spending a shift at work washing dishes) and asked him what he represented to my subconscious mind and he said, “I don’t represent anything… I’m just sorting this silverware.”
Another time I called my friend Nate on a cell phone in a lucid dream and when I asked him what he was doing he said “I’m not eating snack cakes… thats for damn sure!!!” Im not really sure what that means.
I can actually recall quite a great deal of dialog in both normal and lucid dreams. I certainly can relate to DreamAddicts telepathy observation, though generally I can actually remember the spoken conversation.
There also appears to be a distinct difference in what they say to me depending on if the dream is lucid or not. Most DCs in normal dreams seem somewhat unimpressed when the concept comes up that they might only exist within a dream. However, in a lucid dream they appear to be more than willing to admit this. Maybe because they know what you can do to them when you are lucid?
It’s interesting when they say something entirely strange (like LostBoy’s example) which you can remember for a while afterwards.
very interesting atheist and lostboy…
when i got interested in lucid dreams I had this very vivid dream that I remembered very well in the morning, I had this awesome understanding of what happened in it and why. no one talked to me in that dream, but the first DC to talk, talked to another DC involved in that dream, and he was the most ignorant character, and dumb, his dialog was very simple, and I think I could have understood what was going on even without it…
Would be very interesting if ppl wrote some of their most meaningful and significant DC monologues/dialogues etc. down?
I talk a lot in dreams, but mostly am talked TO. My first LD occred in my high school and there a guy asked me if I see anything strange (read all about it in my DD), but that didn’t totally lead to my LD.
I have been taking french in school for about two years, and in one of my dreams, this guy was yelling at me to get out of his store and then i think he insulted me but he said it in french. i didnt understand what he said and it probably wasnt french but i reconized it as french then i was like, “i speak french also” (i said that in french) i thought that was pretty interesting
My talking with dream characters is sometimes without sound. The is a sound, but it’s more in my head than in my ears. Sort of telepathic, but not telepathic, if you know what I mean.
Lately I wake up from dreams that seem to have a voice-over. This kinda echoes in my head after waking up. These kind of dreams are always very vague. At least my memory of it.
Maybe I have been watching too many documentaries on TV lately