Many people say using Wild is scary…
Ifind Wild much easier then any other method!
Within 2 mins i am hearing music/voices
anyway then i saw a flash of light (eyes closed)
i also saw lots faces realy wide eyed and open mouths!
but what else is there?
does it really get that scary???
I don’t dare go on because of the rumors of it have scary experiences behind it!
Can someone convince me to get passed this barrier???
Well, just how much do you take peoples experience to be just like how you would experience it? Personally, i believe that one should not totally wholeheartedly accept peoples explanations as the way things actually are, but rather, to use such as sort of guidelines to experience it fully for yourself. Try not to expect too much at the same time.
Kind of like the story with the blind men and the elephant. One feels the trunk, saying ‘the elephant is round and rubbery and hollow!’. Another feels the side, saying ‘No, you dolt! Its rough and bristly and like a wall!’. At the same time, another feeling one of its legs says 'You are both wrong! It is rigid and muscular and no bigger than you or I!"
So you see, we could all be blind, but that is sort of not relevant. Look my point is that personal experience is the only way you should wholeheartedly accept truth when it comes to stuff like this.
Okay, personally, i have had no bad experiences with WILD. In fact, i find such to be fascinating, because if you just let things go you never know what ur gonna see. If you got to the point where you could control it no problem, then it can become a very effective method for LD, perhaps the most effective when combined with presleep intention or MILD.
It would be impossible to tell you what you will experience with WILD as everyone is different. You can see hear and feel very strange things. You may experience SP or feel like you can not breath. You may feel as though tour body is being pulled in some direction. However, this is just some of the things you may experience. The only thing I can tell you is that every thing I have experienced has been harmless.
I think that depends on what you expect will happen, be that consciousely or subconsciousely… People who have positive thoughts, seems to have generally nice experiences, while those who have alot of negative thoughts, they tend to get bad experiences… Whatever experience you get, know that nothing of it is real, it is all just a part of your imagination.