What do my dreams want to tell me?

Mmmh, im loving a girl but im to shy to speak with her
(i sometimes speak with her but normally we talk about school)
every second night i recall a drem that is always same. i see her, she smiles, she shows me a place where to meet, i see her sitting, i go to speak with her and then the dreams end. I want to ask if my mind want to tell me something, like ‘speak with her’
or somethin like that. could anyone answer me?

P.S: Im german and my english is not so good therefore dont look at my grammar mistakes. Thanks !

:wave: hello AlexNeu welcome to LD4all
It could be that your subconscious is just getting you used to the idea of talking to her without any anxiety - like rehearsing the scene in your dream. Probably the idea of talking about other stuff with her is on your mind so comes through into your dreams.

Maybe you should go to the place she takes you to in the dream…

the places she took me i never seen in RL Life before … once it was something like stonehenge and then a bothanic garden …
so i would say it is a impossible to get to this places :cry:

It sounds like your subconcious is trying to give you some confidence to go for it! Dreams are wonderful that way aren’t they?

You should talk to her! Talk to her about whatever it is you talk to her about in your dreams.