So I’m a busy busy busy college student (who spends too much time on the site hence nothing gets done ) but i really want to be able to LD during the school year, not just during breaks (all though i haven’t had much success with that lately). I’ve been trying WILD but have been unsucessful because WBTB doesn’t work, as I have a really hard time falling asleep. I try MILD once in a while, but I dont know that it is effective. I would like to do more RCs but the thing is…I can’t go around plugging up my nose at school or trying to walk through walls…I’d get weird looks from people and my professors would think Im crazy and fail me…
I guess the question here is how do the rest of you busy students who are sucessful at LD during the school year get your LDs? What is the best method for a student or someone who is really busy at work to be lucid?
Well, as far as RCs go, something that likely won’t get you to many looks, (although people may think you’re winking at them) would be the nose technique in which you close one eye and look at your nose with the other one, if your nose is there, you’re likely awake, if it’s not there however, you either don’t have one, or, more likely, you’re dreaming!!!
As for the hectic schedule, all I can really suggest is to try and keep at the least a rough dream journal, (if you can spare about 10 min. a morning you should be good) Keep part of your mind focused on dreaming, (don’t neglect your studies though, they come first…well, hopefully!)
Other than that, that’s all the advice I can offer, hope it helps.
For about a year, I was obsessed with technique after technique on which would work best. I came to a conclusion that the only thing that kept me LDing often was a dream journal. Now, as a busy student, I find my problem is being TOO lazy to record my dreams. Each night I set my date of entry and NEVER record my dreams for some stupid reason. If you, like me, do not keep a constant dream journal, I would highly recommend you do. From personal experience, my LD frequency has dropped my over five fold now that I do not keep a DJ.
So my adivice, practice the techniques but beyond all keep a well documented DJ, you become familiar with the dream state and therefore can recognize it much easier. I’d recommend if you are REALLY busy in college to simply spare 2 mins to record your dreams each morning.
D’force- That sounds like a slightly more normal (and easy) RC to do
Rodrigo- Ahh if only we were all as lucky as you are
Grasswar- I have trouble keeping a dream journal because i often wake up suddenly (I like above the garage so I get woken up at all hours) and so I forget things really quickly. I know thats no excuse because if I try hard I could remember the dream, but the problem seems to be that I forget to write in my DJ in the rush of getting to class on time. I guess I just need to work on making sure I do write stuff down and really make myself stay focused.
IndianInks, if you want an RC that won’t make people look like your half-alien and half-lunatic then use the text RC. Look at a sheet of paper or something with writing on it and then look back, if you are dreaming it will change because there is no visual input to base the writing on. (Also works with digital clocks).
As for methods you probably don’t want to be waking up in the middle of the night for technqiues like MILD or WILD, so i would take Rodrigo’s advice and use autosuggestion as you fall asleep. That combine with consistent RC’s should yield at least an LD or 2 per week.
I am able to have lucid dreams because I have gotten to a point where it is easy, I just tell myself I will recognize that I am dreaming and I do.
Thanks lucid master! Actually, and I know that this sounds like another excuse, but the text RC doesn’t work for me. I have woken up from many dreams in which text was involved, and in which I cleary remember the text being the same no matter how many times I read it. One I remember had a scrolling marquee that repeated the exact phrase (something about fog ) over and over again. So thats a no go…
But I have been doing the nose RC and am going to make my autosuggestion stronger…plus since I carry my laptop around I can access ld4all from anywhere, and be constantly reminded
I have (junior high) school and I find that MILD works very well.It is very easy and simple,you dont have to realy do much work like WILD or WBTB.I havent had any LD’s (its only been 2 weeks) but MILD always gives very clear (not blurry) long,interesting dreams.
RC’s that said Lucidity_Master wrote are best one to use in school. You can use also hand RC. Just look at hand, count fingers (in head of course ). Looking at hand is not weird, at least not until you will raise it at head’s heigh, and start counting on voice. One… Two… Three…
That would suck…
And use MILD - it’s pretty effective.
If you have thing like waking up about a hour (it can be also half or bit more) before time when you have to get to get up, just try to WILD then. If you’ll fail it, you will fall asleep, so at least you have hour more of sleeping.
MILD + WILD + hidden RC’s + Autosuggestion/Willing
I don’t do anything - all my LDs have been complete accidents! But I never had one until I joined this site - I think if you read about something enough, it invariably will make its way into your dreams. And, as a student, I do a great deal of reading about things, of course!
By the way, wouldn’t a dream give itself away by mere difficulty to read more than just few words? If yes, then just reading a sentence or two should be a good RC.
Anyway, I cannot remember ever reading a single word in my dreams, so this kind of RC may not be very useful for me…
Im a busy student as well, especially now that my college has suddenly decided I have to go in an extra day. Since I travel quite a distance I have to wake up at 6oclock which is a painfull experience.
Now with this bloody extra day I have to go to work longer on the other days, I dont have any days off anymore I need a night shift job to free my days up.
But no matter, if I wake up in the middle of the night I will try WILD. And I just keep reading this site in the hope my brain will take the hint.
Also give MILD a try, I cant really use it since it takes me ages to get to sleep and I get bored.
Thanks for all of the responses! Finals are coming up (next week ah!!) and after that break (woo hoo!!) and so hopefully I can really cutivate my dream diary, and work on MILD at the same time.
And hopefully my autosuggestion can get better…sigh
Yeah…I hear you when you say busy student. All the methods above are awesome, but to add to the list, I recommend at just making a habbit out of looking at your hands during the day. Make some weird routine out of it, and eventually you will start seeing your hands more often in your dreams, and since 99.9% of the time your hands are messed up in dreams, you will soon realize that you’re lucid. Best part is, you don’t look weird in public AND you will always have your hands in life and in dreams.
I guess the best thing to do actually is to do that plus another technique listed above. The more the better.
Good luck on your exams and have fun in your LD tonight