What do you consider a "friend"?

I have merged your topic to an already existing one, that already had some good replies. :boogie:

A friend is someone that you enjoy spending time with.
But when it is a true friend, you can just be yourself, relax and not worry about having same likes, dislikes etc, because you accept each other as you are.

Thanks moogle ! :cool:

Bette ruse the searc thing better :sad:

But after having read this :

I have one friend, we are close , BUT he dont know about ld4all .
My poems .
No one exept you know about them :sad:

And BTW I tell the people here almost everything , cos what could happen ?

I agree with the levels of friends.
I found it hard to use the word friend, since I don’t know if I can call people that. The level thing with the adding from Stormthunder is pretty good. But I don’t think in those levels in practice. It’s just theoretical.

My best friend isn’t even a level 3 person. There are a lot of things she doesn’t know about me, and there are a lot of things I don’t know about her too. But I know she would be there if I got a problem or something. I know I can trust her, but still I can’t tell her everything about me. I just don’t dare, don’t want to or something else. The higher someone is on “the ladder” it’s harder to tell personal things. Maybe if they’re (almost) on top of it it isn’t anymore. But it can be sometimes. It might not sound logical on first sight. But when you think more of it, it will be logical. I can’t really explain sorry.

If I would say a friend is someone who knows who you are, I think nobody could ever become my friend. My name on msn once was: “You don’t know who I am”. And my friend asked: “Do you know it yourself?” And I told her I didn’t know myself. There are a lot of things about me I haven’t figured it out. But if you don’t know the other person completely you can still be friends, even good ones.

I can talk with my best friend without even really talking. A girl, I think I consider her as a friend too, founds that very annoying. I tend to talk to her like that too sometimes. When I talk with my best friend it goes sometimes like this.

”You know that thing with those thingies should have those other things. You know what I mean.”

And she understands that. Sometimes we’re a bit telepathic, just because you know each other good. (But I’m telepathic with some other people too, who I don’t know that well)

About helping people, I would help someone who I consider as a friend level 1 too or even if they’re not a friend. But if you’re not a friend you don’t tend to tell it.

You can be yourself with you’re friend, but who am I? But that’s another question I won’t go into that (right now)

I do think you can consider internet people friends. There is someone I think I can consider him as a friend. I did see him in real life some times but not that much and I met him on the internet

A friend is not describable in words for me, it’s a feeling I got with some people. And I don’t’have that many friends. Maybe I even got only one real friend.

The last one you said BlackAngel was a trick to say to someone i liked that i liked her,but he didn’t even realise it until i explained it to her.It was one of my fails(to be with a girl).
To the point.

Honour is the first thing i like someone to have to be my friend.I have been tricked many times.
Number 2 is understanding each other and talk about almost anything.
I always liked to see the good side of the others but most of the times they betrayed me or just cared about themselves only.
So it’s altrouism as well.One of my bad things is that i don’t like the other ones to be exactly like me or look that way cause i think of them as liars (i’m not a liar)cause i believe they just try to be like you just to use you.
If i had a scale from 1 to 10 i’d say i have three that are in the number of 8 and the rest are on 4. I can’t think of anuthing else…Cid why do you believe that someone that drinks or smokes can’t be your friend?I found the two of the three of my 8th level friends while we were drank and had all opened our hearts…
P.S:sorry for the big post :shy: I also tried to make paragraphs but wasn’t a good try

Anyone can be a friend to me, as long as they accept me for the freak I am. :grin:

Why Are friends friends ? What makes a person to interact in a positive way with a specific person or why would a person act one way with one person and different with another. What is it that Really Attracts a friend to a friend. Friendship- what is the true meaning ?

there is already a very similar topic here What do you consider a “friend”?

[mod]Then I see no reason to keep another thread on the same subject. :bruno:

Anyways, if someone does, this can still be unlocked. :smile:[/mod]

Merged, and unlocked :yinyang: