What do you dream in???

Hey everyone

Ive always wanted to ask this.
What do you dream in? Cartoon or Real Life??
I dream in Real life


Moved this into the stuff dreams are made of, because it is about dreams in general. :cool:

For the most part, I dream in real life; I’d imagine that most people do so. On occasion, a cartoon dream will show up, whether it’s about a cartoon, or it’s just a cartoony dream. :content:

I’ve had dreams that seem more-than-real and ones that seem less-than-real. But I don’t remember dreaming anything that I would catagorise as cartoony.

I know some people have points above as I nosy through dream diaries from time to time :wink:

I always dream like I see in real life, but I’ve noticed that depending on how rested and lucid I am, my dreams vary in clarity. If I am not well rested and I’m not lucid in my dream, I’ll remember it as drab and fuzzy, but if I’m well rested and very lucid, the images are ‘hi-definition’ and very vivid.

Ocasionaly i dream in game style 3D. One time i met a girl whos thxture was missing so she was only outlined :razz:. This other rime i dreamed that i was playing CS 1.0 and graphics where like they where on cs 1.0 and i thaught hey this sucks… so i patched it to CSS and everything looked better (still cgi though). One dream i ahd this short sequence whene i was chasing a spaceship and it was in old dos 16 color graphics :razz:

It depends, but whenever I dream with game stuff/cartoons, it’s always mixed with real life things.

I pretty much dream only in real-life style, but I do remember one dream that looked like an old computer game, one of the made-of-squares kind like we had on the school computers in first grade. The dream itself was sort of like a game, I think at the time we were supposed to be getting over this gap by jumping from rock to rock (square to square?).

I almost always dream in real-life style, I’ve never dreamt in cartoons. I have dreamt in computer game style, when I was obsessed with Alice (the game). I dreamt that I had the turtle shell and that I could swim underwater, and it looked exactly like it did in the game…

thats cool thanks for your posts
Ihave always wanted to have a dream like this tv show. Here is the intro to this tv show : luk.es/caste/ser_pr/potsworth_y_co.html
Play it in internet explorer and not mozilla etc.
The show is about Shared Dream and Lucid Dreaming and adventures lol.
Tell me what you think


On the rare occasion, I used to have a cartoony LD when I was young. Can’t remember them much. Only the SD’s I had with my brother. He has cartoony dreams and I invaded them.

I fall somewhere in between RL and cartoony. Interestingly, all my normal dreams are very muted colors, often consisting of greys and dark reds, whereas once I’m in a LD the colors become extremely vibrant (many times glowing) teal, orange, and white to name a few.

I almost always dream in real life.
It was only a few days ago that I had a part with a somewhat cartoonish style, that part felt more like watching a movie though.

ConstantDreamer, why not try to dream like that in your next LD?

i dream in bizarre indy-film style. my subconscious isnt the best director :eh:

I dream mostly in real life. Occasionally, it will switch to third person, which is usually when something goes wrong… :bored:

I love the Simpsons, and thus, they are incorporated, in cartoon form, into some of my dreams (real life form). :smile:

Other than that, I very rarily dream as being someone else. Once I was Batman!
:moon: :fly: :mrgreen_hat: :dark: <<<heh, its night and batman is gliding around and fighting the joker

Hey guys

Thats actually a good idea about dreaming in cartoon for my next LD, thanks:D


My dreams have variant levels of realness, but they aren’t usually cartoon–like. The more vivid, the more likely to be real ambient.

I dream anime style a lot, either watching them or being in them , a lot… like 1/4th of my dreams is that way during certain periods…

I wonder how come =P

I have never dreamed in a cartoon before. That sounds interesting. Maybe I should try to pull that one in a lucid dream. x]

I once had a dream I was a comic book character, It was completey cartoon, not even 3d , this was also the first dream I was ever someone else…

On occasion I dream in cartoon-form. I definately dream a lot in the omnicient or third-person view though. The other night, I was viewing an episode of Seinfeld re-enacted by several Larry David’s.