For the past week Ive been creating a story in my head about these alians that come down to earth, and do bizzare things, which are basicaly RCs for humans. One of the things that happen is a guy wakes up, to get ready for work, and he is drinking his coffie gazzing out the window.While he is looking out the window He sees a open coffin in his front yard. When he goes outside he notices a book inside the casket, with the words…“This is a dream”. It is a dream journal. Long story short, all the things that happen are so bizzar, they begin to have dreams about them, and they allways see the words…“This is a dream” so the humans start becoming lucid dreamers, and the alians begin to make contact with them through there dreams, the line between dream, and waking life starts getting very blurry. No one can really be sure if there dreaming or not.
ohhhhhhhhh sounds fun make it finish it and i will buy it
will do, Im going to start on it this weekend.
that sounds like a cool book, i would buy it.
Good Luck!
wut will u call it >??
Interesting idea, but if I were you I would figure out a way to do it without the aliens. Something else maybe, because it doesn’t sound like a sci-fi story. It’s one of those ideas that could turn out absolutely superb or incredibly horrible depending on how you do it.
Try a little of it, and see how it turns out. If you like it, continue . If not, start from scratch.
How long are you planing this on being? Short story? Novel? Novella (halfway between shoart story and novel)?
Sounds like you have been consuming too much Kava Kava. Just kidding. I don’t know about the idea. Any movie that involves aliens is immediatly suspect of being crappy, in my book.
Maybie instead of aliens, it could be a secreat government society, maybie conected to area 51 (dreamland), Or maybie angels, freeing the human race in which the secound coming of christ takes place in a lucid dream that everyone shares. Im still banging around some ideas.
Or maybe it’s people who have already woken up. Isn’t that kind of the idea of a buddhavista(sp?) in Buddhism, enlightned people who instead of continuing into nirvana stay on earth to free the rest of the people? Not sure…
Anyways sounds cool. I remember I wrote a short story where a person was in a dream, for school. A good tip is to give short hints, odd sentences that don’t sound amazing but are like “Bob woke up, took a shower, got dressed, passed the floating toaster…” Cept not as crappy as that example was hehe. Try to make it so its really like a dream, they’d just pass over the sentence and think nothing of it, but then when they’ve realized its a dream/read it’s a dream they can go back and go “How’d I not notice that?!” Harder than it looks Anyways good luck with the story be sure to keep up updated
You could try doing it like my story ‘Choicless’ in which it beomce increasingly more obvious that Leo is dreaming. I started out with very little hints from my own FA LD’s
And just to throw LD’ers off a little, I made a point to show that lights work and that his reflection wasn’t mutilated (these things are affected by expectations - Leo expected the light to work, ergo, it did).