What do YOU want to do in a LD ?

:smile: I mentioned it coz i think it helps you to be able to perform crazy things in lds as well. in one dream i was running with my friend away from an army of guys chasing us, and we came to a dead end building wall (kinda like the alleys u see in a movie when the girl gets backed up into it) he runs straight up the wall and makes it all the way to the top, it was nuts, and i followed suit and ran all the way up the wall. normally in a dream id never be able to do this. :content:


I never knew that. Maybe they can help you think of stuff to do in an LD when yiou can’t :grin: !

There are so many things I wanna do in a LD!!! When I had my first LD last week, a million things were running through my mind of what I wanted to do when i realized I was LDing. What I want to do when I have my next LD is:

-Have dream sex :gni:
-Fly :fly:
-Make DC’s appear :seer:

I tried doing these things when I had my first ever LD, but I didn’t have any succes with the first two, and just before I woke up, two DC’s appeared.

Yea, Flying would be cool… i’ll probably try to get more control of my surroundings in general first so I can actually do what I want later with ease… when I get better I will reenact the film Groundhog Day… maybe also the truman show in which I will already know everyone is watching me… lol too bad for them I will make the actors work overtime muwahaha

I want to use my cupboard as a teleporting machine to visit countries i’ve never been to.

I want to have a conversation with someone. Yes, that is a dumb goal. But I have plans to increase my conversational skills so LDing is a good way to do so.

I want to speak to Bach, Beethoven, and Liszt. And I want to relive some cool points in my life. And I want to get better at sparring.

Edit: I can’t believe I forgot skydiving without a parachute!

I’m new here and have just learned today about LD. So I have given myself a couple goals.
1.Have a goddamn LD. (preferably tonight, but I’m not sure. I am going to start with the WBTB method.)
2.Make a real life Easy Button
3.Live as the main character in a GTA style world

lol what i want to do when i get my first ld which should be soon:

-summon a massive dragon while wearing cool oufit lol
-teleport from place to place
-grow huge black or white angel cool looking wings cant decided also whats the big deal with wings …there are raw as heck if u cant fly and think u have to use wings as way to learn to fly man ill be happy with a huge wing span… maybe its just me.

-transfrom into a panter or a tiger or somethign cool
- summon cool weapon and armour to fight otherself when i split my self ( that would be an intresting to fight since we both have equal dream powers lol)

@ neomarine:

The truman show rocks!

and in my lucid dreams I want to:

perform music and stuff in front of an audience to overcome my fear of stage fright

find out more about myself

have some goddamn fun!

fly - I really want to fly so badly; it’s gonna be awesome when I do!

Find my friend Crazy Bastard and go rooftop hiking in New York City

Get on a subway and see where I end up

I want to die.

I think I’ve been killed in a ND a few times, but never in an LD. This is something I would like to experience.

I’d also like to experience sex as a female.

I’d like find two girls that I met in dream and discover why I had feelings for them that went beyond love and why I have always felt they were more than just dream characters.

I would also like to meet Alex Mason. He was a very dark character in my dreams, I used his as a lead character in a story (which is how he got the name - based on Alexis Machine character from Stephen King’s The Dark Half.)

mmmmhhhh…let me think…

-have sex :grin:
-get some flying practice (so far it’s just been more floating than flying)
-visit a remote island
-go to a beach
-explore the forest
(i.e. “my” dream forest is kind of a prohibited area for me, my subconscious stores a LOT of weird sometimes scary stuff there - old hurts, etc. so this would go under “inner healing”)
-find an inner guide (healer, priest, etc.)
-taste all kinds of dream foods (preferably sweets :smile: )
-try to find a story-teller (someone who acts as a reservoir of ideas for writing, creative projects)

That should do for starters :grin:

Just got an idea from another post-- Dial on a cell phone and see who answers. Or do prank calls!

^ Yes, This one i often find successfull. Some unfamiliar voice always answers and nothing they say is predictable.

Let’s see.I want to do so much in a LD, but I just can’t do anything! I have had no LD’s whatsoever ever since I was born, but I want to have one. Here are the things I’d love to do:

-Get a sword and start attacking people.
-Fly around and sprout giant wings.
-Cast magic and cause beautiful light shows to appear at my command.
-Do a spinning bird kick.
-Create blazing blue fireballs in my hands.
-Go underwater.
-Be god and start causing calamities in your puny tiny world SimCity style.
-Possess someone.
-Hug someone (I haven’t been able to do that in a long time.)
-Command people The Sims style.

No LDs for me yet, so I’d like to:

-Fly around like I’m underwater.
-Do drugs. Have sex. Etc… (I did this in an ND last night, good enough.)
-Make a world.
-Change gravity.
-Play music, make music.
-Get revenge on my enemies.
-Browse the internet.
-Make a lucid clock (Writerscube…) and stay in my dream for over a day.
-Make a lucid pill, and try to drill LDs into my subconscious every night.
-Talk to DCs.

Be a Spartan in 300
Explore space
Sex. That is all.

What I would like to do…

-Element-bending (fire,earth, and water)

  • Fly Neo-Style (I have flown other ways before but not like this)
    -Manifest Items
    -Make a dream world
    -Breath underwater
    -Go to space
    -Create a universe
    -(Insert anything fun here)

The biggest thing I want to do is script adventures… The first thing I wanna do is have a World War II adventure. I start as a private in the beginning of the war and try to make it out alive. I wouldn’t give me any powers like invincibility. I also wanna have a Halo 2 adventure but I want a bunch of MCs fighting each other (like XBL). The next thing would be a Star Wars adventure (start as a padiwan and learn the way of the Jedi and do w/e I’m told to do and if I feel like it…join the dark side :dark: ) That’s all I can think off as of now.

get inspiration for my novels and develop characters that seem real
wow sex seems to be a reoccurring theme on this thread haha
me, i (am weird) want to develop a relationship with someone i have no chance with lol
but mostly go to silent hill… :content: