What do YOU want to do in a LD ?

Condemnation? Nah, this is Ld4all. you want the a$$holes at youtube, or maybe, the pantera forums. :cool: RANT>>>(Seriously, can you believe someone actually took my MadeDCMA name on youtube? i mean come on, someone must have gotten that from one of the forums or online poker rooms, and decided it was worth stealing. I mean come on! Think up your own names people! i feel like george costanza when he wanted to name his kid seven, and then when he tells someone else, they name their kid seven. argh :tongue:

anyway back on track, the whole reason most get into lucid dreams is to do things that you can’t do in real life. Someone wanted to have sex with marilyn munroe while riding a rollercoaster, so your thing isn’t really that strange. My 2 cents though is that when you do meet her in an ld, don’t let it become an obsessive thing how you become obsessed with sleeping or whatever and constantly wanting to dream about her. that happens to harry potter with that magic mirror (whatever its called) and it doesn’t really help him. (hehe, im impressed with that, 2 very relevant references in one post. :cool: ) hope i made sense.

anyway, in my next ld, now i want to practice working on changing my scenery around me. it would definetely save the travel. ( in my ld last night, i wasted most of it trying to reach my destination.)

I have one and only one main goal right now for a LD.
To contact the other chroniclers and have a successful SD.

Of course, as a side mission I’m looking for the Sword of Dreams on Sky Island.

I’ve heard crazier stuff

I wanna do crazier stuff that i will not say here because i am uncomfortable sharing that stuff and am very self-conscious about it :bored:

thought the Marylin Monroe thing made me :eh:

That’s just kinda ridicules.

Though one question i would ask is: what kind of roller coaster?

I want to do everything

But mostly i want to go on adventures.

Also, i wanna see the Sword of Dreams (perhaps the most powerful object in the universe when you think about it! Don’t let it fall into :ebil: hands)

I want my Invasion dream to continue. It cut off at such a crucial point. I wish my brain made sequels :tongue:

I am afraid that point has come and gone, MadeDCMA. Now, it is into the realm of thinking of nothing but her. …I may yet end up in the Happy House. And what is this “Sword of Dreams”? It sounds like an artifact from Dungeons & Dragons.

it be sweet to watch movies see what there like, listen to music, watch comedy, eat random things , sex, talk to everythig sc, dc, and sg.

I was also wondering what that is about :eh:

I’d love to go back to past dreamscenes and explore them more.

shine a laser pointer in peoples eyes… punch random people…smash dishes… eat random stuff…zombie survival

be in a world war, have a space voyage, turn into animals

rob a bank… be a ninja… be a hitman… be a thief…be a sniper…be a assassin…be in matrix

play counter strike source,… play assassin’s creed…plough through people in the hallway

Just a few of the things on my list (No Specific Order):

  1. Sex

  2. I would like to have a shared dream with someone I know, I already have a plan on how to 100% prove if it was real or not.

  3. A full scale zombie outbreak in my home town, along with my friends there so we can test out our zombie survival plans.

  4. Get a spaceship and explore space, go to other planets etc.

  5. Time travel, go to the future and see what its like, or go to the past and fight dinosaurs.

  6. “Enter” some of my favorite books and live the story alongside the main characters.

  7. Go to the “Halo” universe and kick alien butt alongside the Master Chief.

  8. Fly

  9. Go to different places around the world and explore; Such as Chernobyl, Egyptian Tombs, The Jungles of South America etc.

  10. Take part in a HUGE battle from either history or a video game.

  11. Annoy DC’s using various techniques and pranks.

  12. Drive an “invincible” tank around a major city, then get ‘cornered’ and have it transform and fly away leaving the authorities in bewilderment.

  13. Explore the bottom of the ocean, or go to the Marianes Trench.

  14. Go to school, and play pranks on everyone using my LD powers. Or just run down the hall during passing period and plow all the slow people out of the way.

  15. Blow something up using an excessive amount of explosives.

  16. Talk a DC in to watching as I flip off a light switch and turn off the sun, then flip it back on to turn the sun back on.

  17. See what is on the other side of a hole in a true mobius strip.

  18. Explore impossible things, like different degrees of vision, different dimensions etc.

  19. Go to the Aliens universe as a colonial marine and kick alien butt.

  20. Shrink really small and wreak havoc.

  21. Do all the things that I’ve wanted to do in real life but haven’t due to consequences, or fear. IE-drive really fast down the highway.

I want to go through a schoolday ruling it, like being so ultimately popular that everyone does what i command, theres about 70 people in my group and 20 are bodyguards that guard a section of the school just for us. Then they’res the top 5 people i being number 1 with my own private body guards and hehe i’m just blabbing on in my own imagination…
Of course i’d also have wicked awesome powers

I wanna enter things that i look at now, been itching 2 do this for a while.

eg. look at a painting of a landscape and enter, or play a computer game and enter, or watch a tv show and enter that


Let’s see :uh: What do I REALLY wanna do :hmmm: (And WILL do later on when I go to sleep :razz:)

I wanna have the purest sex with 4 of my dreams’ HOTTEST virgins–preferably from the Victorian era–while on the back of a GIANT white tiger, riding through the eye of a cotton candy tornado as a celestial mix of the BEST songs to have sex to plays in absolute ambiance :happy:

Then I wanna do it again–with naughty goddesses…3 of them–in the midst of a calypso of the purest daiquiris in dream existence, with TLC’s “Waterfalls” playing in-sync with the waves :content:

AND THEN, I wanna have sex AGAIN :grin: This time with 6 SUPER-CUTE, exotic college schoolgirls on the FASTEST, WILDEST roller coaster–at a midnight carnival while it rains Apple Jacks from the sky :cool_laugh: We can scream all we want :wink:

After that, I just want my SC to conjure up the most SEDUCTIVE amalgam of Marylin Monroe, Madonna, Mary Tyler Moore, Audrey Hepburn, Victoria Principal, Jackie Kennedy, AND EVERY Playboy playmate–put that all into one GODLY woman of 100% HAWTNESS and then go do something kinky in the IMAX theater…with torrents of candy :plotting:

After my sexual conquests, I wanna party with Kim Jong-il and Dick Van Dyke 'til Ramadan :partying_face: when we will then join the Jedis in an EPIC afterparty of the century :boogie:

I’d like to use telekinesis, kind of like in X-Men III, where the Dark Phoenix tears apart a whole building within seconds just by thinking it.

OK! i want to wake up in a lucid dream and then fly up and go to random people and turn them into cockroachs, LOLZ i searosly need :help:, anyway go to a guy and turn him into a bug, then squash him BWAHAHAHA

I like to go with the flow of my dreams, if able to, and if not, fly around (it’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt), talk to my characters, and locate then speak to a group of DCs who were… much too realistic for my liking.

new things

well i usually wouldn’t dare post this cuz i am very self-conscious about it. But to hell with it, i’ll tell.

I wanna switch genders. I figure i done it before in NDs, but never got the full experience. Plus, eh, it’ll be fun

Also, in one of my dreamscapes (prolly a city scape, where i am a super hero), i want to have Super villain tryouts/ interviews!

Where super villains compete to fight against me!!!

Best idea? yeah i think so too.

hmm… being a super hero and changing genders…

well, maybe one can solve the other! who knows!

TRJR will shut up now before he says something embarrassing… err… oops

Ya, that would be kinda interesting, changing genders

I’ve been LDing for a year or two and usually have LD’s every night. But I’ve still managed to do none of the things I really want to. My LD’s usually involve me exploring, talking to DC’s and other fairly boring stuff. So my to do list is huge. My inability to do all the cool stuff I’ve wanted to probably comes from lack of belief in my own ability to do this stuff (I’ve never been ale to spawn stuff, so the rampage is impossible, also I can never get cars to work in my dreams, flying just never works for me, and I always lose fights in my dreams - which is especially annoying knowing that I should have complete control with it being my dream.

  1. Fly
  2. Drive
  3. Rampage with loads of guns
  4. Try taking drugs
  5. Fight loads of people
  6. Go round smashing stuff up with a bat
  7. Go for a walk underwater
  8. Visit the moon
  9. Jump into a black hole
  10. Practice a martial art

I’d like to literally run some customers over with the dolly of filled crates i push around the supermarket :devil: :lol:

I’m sure sometimes, they know i want to get by. So they deliberately try to be as akward as possible.

First I would fly, then find a forest to get a piece of wood and use it as a “staff” and practice magic tricks. I know I could only use my hands or eyes, thinking for the magic to happens, but a wood staff would be cool!

Once all that worked, I would get me 2 or 3 lovely women and a huge bed :smile: And of course, try not to get too excited!