What foods help you have better ld's?

Im just wondering what food help have better ld’s? It would be good if you could just name somw foods. :smile:

while i myself feel that food dosen’t play a significant role in lucidity, i hear that b vitamins help dreaming because they enhance the nervous system, but thats just what they do is enhance the nervous system. lucidity comes from your application and intention, from you’re practice and devotion. but if it helps, before my first decent, well time ld i had 2 egg sandwiches and a pepperoni stick. but what really pushed me into the lucidity was the fact that i slept 8 hours and took a nap for 2 hours. i know this isn’t the exact criteria for the wake-back-to-bed method but it worked. even though i wasn’t aiming for that technique directly

Drinking inordinant amounts of diet cola before bed will cause you to LD if you are good at doing reality checks. This is due to the fact that you have to urinate all night so you go in and out of REM a lot.

For quite a while ive been asking this question every person who said that had ld.Most (around 80%) would say they had 1.spicy food 2.heavy food.
Usually it comes togheter.
Might be something:)

Hmmm Jack…interesting…
I better start experimenting then with The red hot chilly peppers…
that way i get music to…lol!

But really i will try it someday…peppers here i come!


When people talk about foods being good for helping in lucid dreams its usually because things they contain help you to sleep deeper and more soundly. Milky foods are good… ice cream, yogurt, milk (especially warm). Turkey is excellent because of the tryptopham (or however its spelled) or chicken soup.

Something else that perhaps will help you sleep more soundly would be Valerian Root. You can probably score some in capsual form at Wal*Mart or a local supermarket.

A question: Is there also foods that is BAD for lucid dreaming, and therefore prevent from eating?

Well, I assume that caffeine or lots of sugar would be bad… anything that prevents you from sleeping well. When I eat a lot of garlic or get a little drunk I sleep really badly so… those are bad for me.
