What happened in 1992?

Okay here goes.i am not incoherent your just stupid.i made valid points and hey my mispelling is okay because i only do it when talking about things i hate.oh and sorry 'bout the punctuations.i made an a in english so stop ragging.Vae victus nice icon though so i cant hate that raziel is a pimp ahhahahaha he is so awesome.i respect your choice of icon and i am sorry for calling you stupid( tooo lazy to erase it from top)

good job you gotmy punctuation perfect i think it was pretty close and umm thanks.

I remember 1992, I was 13-14 years old. I went to Texas for the summer and got detached from my normal routine. I didn’t listen to any of my regular music. This was during the grunge Nirvana depression generation.

When I came back to the Carolinas I was reintroduced to a whole new world of bands. Many new bands have been made more poplular like “Pearl Jam,” “Stone Temple Pilots,” and “Alice in Chains.” It was a great time for music, and there was a quick burst of talent.

All the great grunge bands at the time came out of Seattle, and Seattle became the Meca to all grunge followers at the time.

I think it was because of my teenage years and the depressing popular music at the time, but '92 for me was a great and fun year, but was shadowed with a deep depression.