What have you SEEN while in SP?

sorry, I didn’t see the big SP topic on the top lol. My bad.

I think it might be your mindset and i guess you also didnt really know what it was until recently?? It scared me to death the first times as well when i didnt know that there was nothing to be scared of.
If you think negative and expect it to be bad, then your subconscious will most likely automaticly meet your expectations. So if you fear that the devil comes for you, then it will most likely do so. You should try to learn to not be scared, even if you for example see something scary, as it is all created by your mind. When you become less scared you will notice that the SP’s themself turn more pleasant as well.

Edit: And the main benefits are that you can very easily enter a lucid dream from that state. If i find myself in SP, then i can enter a dream in less than a minute sometimes without losing consciousness.

In SP, parts of your brain is already in “sleep mode”. It is easier to wild from SP than from a completely awake state. Some people imagine “rolling” out of their bed in SP, and start a lucid dream this way.

For me, SP is a gift. If it happens while falling asleep, it means that I am finally falling asleep (this usually happens after insomnia periods), and will be in a dream soon. On the other hand, I get SP after waking up by will from a bad dream, and then it means that I am finally waking up!

Being unable to move is uncomfortable, and probably hits one of our primal fear instincts. It is completely harmless though. Just knowing what it is can make the experience easier to stand. :cool:

Thank you both. This helps alot. I always thought it was a bad experience for everyone! I’ve read that its actually a medical condition as well. I guess thats why I thought it was bad. I haven’t gotten it in years, but now I know if I do get it, I’ll try and get into a lucid dream.

It tickles when I have it, hehe. I always look forward to it, maybe thats why it doesnt hurt.

I’ve never had SP after a dream, only before it. And nothing bad has ever happened, weirdly. I just accept that I’m going to sleep soon, and if the worst comes to the worst, it’s possible to urge yourself out of it.

What have you seen/heard? Usually just the door open and light outside is what I see. I’ve heard screams in SP also.

But how about what have you tasted? I’ve had SP once where I tasted chocolate.

Someone saying my name.

Did you see the person or just heard it? Spooky :scared:

I heard it…I would be going to sleep, and be dreaming then, “BLAKE.” LIke a gun shot in my ear, then it would just go, “mmmhm…mhmmmmmmmm” It was weird.