What heaven and earth really are. you are really a god

sorry if this is the wrong spot to post

ok just a little speculation on my part. nothing to go by. and nothing to support it. well not really anyway

ok lets say you go to heaven. your happy. you have everything youve ever wanted. its been 3458710437512034395710235812093572085712087521097520 million centuries.
you starting to get bored. soo… you have a little fun. how?
almost the same as lucid dreaming. you go off on adventures. but… you know there fake so why do it? for the fun of it.
you pretend to be a viking. or to find the golden grail. ect. (remember everything is real. your in heaven)

ok now lets say. you want real fun. you want it all to be real.
so you create an earth and you make yourself born. but… you wipe all your memory and everything. only to have it back when you “die”
and then the fun part is. getting back and looking on what you did. the funny stuff ect.

that theory makes it so everyone is fake. and your the only ‘real’ person. (i once thought when i was a kid. that everyone else was a robot. but there was no way to prove it. and even if i did. what was the point lol)

another theory

lets say. every one in heaven decides to do this little experiment.
kinda like the matrix.

basically this solves people who have bad lifes. well thats what they wanted. to experience a hard. life. to see if they can make it (like playing hard. on a videogame)

just speculation. but what if its true? what if when you die. you ‘wake’ up in heaven.
just something to think about
share your thoughts.

speculation is dangerous and i hope you wouldn’t do it

these words bring hope, and hope is malicioius and evil if it does not bring you to the desires that you hope to fulfill
IF these things are true, it is a great sense of relief and peace

but if this is not truth then this is not a good thing to think, for the mind has wasted its time believing in fantasies in which life is somehow fair and the self is somehow powerful

i’ve been praying for about 20 minutes just now, and i try to pray in my sleep

i’ve given up on trying to create things as if i had the power to, now i am asking for help ,

somehow the law of attraction “gurus” do not seem to be gurus, at all,
but i see some sort of gold within their mind and i’m working on extracting it,
cause i have the ability to ask for what i want

and i want my life to be worth living for, totally and radically beautiful,
and for the elusive God , the real God, to please stand up, please stand up
the Good one,
maybe he has never advertised himself ever?

i sure do not like abusive ideas,
god loves you so much he’d send you to hell!
i don’t 'like those ,
the readily available solutions do not seem to have any gold within them at all!

sometimes it seems redundant to go into meditation unless i ran away to the desert, because i am still here when i awaken, and then what ?
i wish for my path to bring me joy and divinity, bliss and happiness,
so i do not have such a tug of war of emotional contrast inside me

i even write on these forums like praying in case an angel saw my words.
what i want out of life is not very huge at all, and even if it is, its in congruence with my heart and soul, and i often cry out in longing, let my life make sense, let me belong, let me have things worthy of saying "yes " to, things that aren’t “okay” but actually righteous in the 90s surfer dude sense, and the other sense too! so i can have fun, and not have fun be doing things i know are not worth doing, are wrong, like the emperor’s new clothes, cause everyone else is doing them, like smoking and drinking ( and the tangents just continue, cus i want someone to listen to me , but not just any-body!)

well first off. in my religion if you make it to the highest state of perfection. you become like god. a god.
you might not create worlds. maybe eventually. but you dont have to.

and also. if you were in heaven dont you think that you would want to have little fantasies? so what if this was a fantasy? its all just speculation. the pondering of lifes mysteries. is it really wrong to wonder? to think?

of course I wont go off on things like this. but maybe other things i have thought about i will believe in and follow. because they make sense to me
in the end. i will follow what i most want to follow. and thats ok. because if you follow something you dont want to follow. how are you following it? its almost the same as being forced. cause if you didnt have to. you wouldnt. idk.
again its all just pondering.

That’s a nice idea.

Some people probably do think they’re gods though. I don’t mean those who are locked in bolstered rooms .

Interesting… in that theory we would basically all be living in non-lucid dreams we call reality. Exactly the same as a non-lucid dreams in sleep. We accept everything as reality, even though it is false and illogical. But finding that we are dreaming in this “reality” is seemingly impossible. If I think over it, it is fairly confusing. What kind of RC would we perform to find that we are dreaming in RL? :confused:

well the entire question is how much does single pointed focus upon a goal work miracles ?
miracles like walking on water but simpler ones too like living the life of our dreams and being totally happy!

haha. yep you are right about that.

It’s an interesting idea, and could have interesting consequences. I think the truth of it is irrelevant in a way. If you convinced yourself that you are in a dream, and truly treated life as such, perhaps you would live your life more fully. That is to say, in a world where everyone knows they’re in a game of sorts, would we not be more prone to go on adventures, stand up for what we believe, and take the more fearless route? Then again, the homicide rate might go up if people thought killing each other was like Mortal Kombat and you would just wake up from a dream after the finishing move. Perhaps though thats how we should be seeing it, and not taking ourselves so seriously all the time. I think you just made my head explode lol.

Also, it reminds me of what Bill Hicks used to say: “It’s[color=white]/life’s[/color] just a ride.”

I don’t think that would be very likely. I may believe that humans are the most worthless of the creatures on this planet(I mean as a whole), but I don’t think that there are that many weak minded people who’d get video games mixed up with RL and start fighting and killing people at random like in GTA or something(though there probably are people like this too… :anx:)

The video game part was a joke, I was just speculating on the idea that if you view reality in a different context, than the logic of every action you take is flipped upside down. This results in people acting differently, which could be a good thing or a bad thing. There are times when we want to do the right thing, but fear or hesitation stops us. Then there are times in which we lose our heads and would act rashly if it weren’t for thinking about the harm it could do to ourselves or others. If we lived in the knowledge that it didn’t matter too much, than would those mechanisms which inhibit our actions (good or bad) be as strong?

I’m going to dust off this forbidden topic. :bat:
1wthWings you look like serious Solipsist in true sense. Basically, what you are talking about is a well known Dream Argument, which i find interesting. Senses are not reliable - after all, from materialistic point of view its brain that creates sight, sound, touch, space, time, etc. One cannot be never 100% certain if hes not dreaming.
I Am that i know, but others?
Still your theory have bugs…

If you are omnipotent God you can ordain never exhaustible supply of ever new situations, things, whatever. So to speak, you cannot be potentially bored. Or you can dictate to your body to have such and such mood, feeling…