What helps for YOU ?

I know it is different from person to person what helps to control dreams, but what food, music, etc. helps for YOU?

Alcohol, but not very reliable.
B-Vits perhaps, but I am not sure yet.

Everything else didn´t seem to have any effect on me


The only thing that has helped me has been nicotine patches. But they are expensive and I usually feel tired after using them. Also nicotine is very addictive and dries out ones body. But for me they usually work quite well. If I don’t get a LD I atleast remember alot more dreams. Otherwise I haven’t found anything that really helps. There’s a few things I would like to try but I can’t get them where I live.

Okay guys, this chat stuff is new to me so reply so that I know you see this. I do know about LD. I’ve had more than a few and flew in a couple. With every LD I’m trying to test myself on extending the dream further. Spinning has helped.

I’m not sure what has helped me the most, except for practice and persistence. As far as creating mroe vivid dream, calea and mint tea have been the most effective and those more vivid dreams have resulted in LDs.

Katy, what helps you become lucid? If you are trying to make the dreams longer you should try focusing on your hands and rubbing them together if you feel your dream slipping at all.

Welcome Katy
Your post confused me a bit until I realized you meant “forum” by saying “chat”. In a chatroom you only write a sentence and others immediately see it.

So, LD4all is one big forum with different sub-categories. Right now you are in the “shortcuts” forum, which is meant for discussion of technical or chemical stuff to help with LDing. Discussions about things like spinning to prolong the dream rather belongs to the “quest for lucidity” sub-forum.

Have a look at the forum guidelines, if you´ve got any difficulties you are welcome to ask one of the moderators (or anyone else :smile: )The best way to do so is sending a private message, you can do so by pressing the “PM” button below a post.

have fun