what helps to become lucid?

I’ve only ever had ONE lucid dream.
It was quite awhile ago, and I’m real mad because I haven’t been able to have another one. :sad:
I really need some tips on how to become lucid.
It would really help.

Dear Surfer:
Lucid Dreaming can be hard at times. While dreaming try to think if things are realistic. Look for signs. Some may even say Lucid and suddenly you become lucid. Remember to look at your hands a lot. And when you do become lucid do not become over excited because you will wake up and its not fun being lucid for only 2 seconds.

So overall I would look for signs and things that arent realistic. Like for example a castle on a big hill and you live there and you are a princess. Thats not quite realistic so think wait Im not a princess and then you suddenly become lucid. Hope that helps. :shy:

Have you been practiceing any techniques? :grin: For most people lucid dreams rarely come without effort. And do you keep a DJ?

Think of a way that could make you lucid.
Believe in it.
Be confident.
Practice it IRL. (Like seeing dreamsigns, doing RCs, or wondering about the dreamstate)
Be confident.
Be happy.
Go to bed confident.
Get interested about your dreams in general. (Like keeping a detailed DJ)
And take it easy, anyway it might go.

And good luck. ^^

i think i may start keeping a DJ.
maybe it’ll help.
&& i look at my hands alot. but i dont remember to in my dreams. :sad:
thanks for the reply!

Thanks. I will probably start keeping a DJ. That’s what everyone keeps saying to do. Well, I better start being confident, now!
Well, thanks for the reply. It will hopefully help…

does anyone else have any tips?

Editted into previous post, please use the edit button instead of triple posting :wink:

I find that trying to hard is something you shouldn’t do. I remember how I use to want LDs really badly. But now that school has come I can’t really keep a DJ. But I’ve notice I’ve gotten more LDs. People think that having an LD is really hard, it’s not. Just let it come to you.

Maybe before you go to bed remind yourself to look at your hands when you’re in a dream. And if you don’t succeed, don’t be angry at yourself. Honesty give your brain a rest. It’s trying. Try to connect with your brain… :grin: sounds funny I know, be confident, for me if I don’t have a LD I’d be like, “Aw, oh well there is always tomorrow.”

Hope I helped :content: I’m a bit confusing heehee

Look in Knowledge base it’s full of great FAQs, Tutorials and dreaming information.

One i would suggest is : How to choose your technique.

And be sure to take a look at ld4all guided tour (sticky in knowledgebase)

thanks Spider!


thanks aznkelly;
i’ve been trying to remember to check my hands throughout the day, but I never remember to in my dreams. :sad:
I don’t even try that hard, I would really just like to.
I’ve only ever had ONE and i couldn’t do anything, but I really wasn’t interested in LDing until later on.
I couldn’t do anything because I didn’t know what there was to do!
Ok, well thanks again for the help aznKelly(: