What huge dreamsign have you missed lately? Part III

i missed being given a dreamjournal last night

I’ve repeatedly been dreaming that I’m running.

Maybe that isn’t a dream sign to most people, but I have a back injury and can hardly even walk slowly without my crutches :razz:

I drive a car in EVERY SINGLE DREAM!

I have never really done that before in real life.

well, i’ve missed everything from being in a cocoon of dead/melted alien bodies to being forced to pay tribute so that I wouldn’t be killed (I blame world history for the latter)

Huge meteors flying in the sky and changing direction when they were close to the ground. And me lying on a lilo in the air, lol. Being in a Soda shop in China and what not.

The same for me, except that the meteors crash on the Earth,
I see them at the horizon.
After the crash, the whole place of my dream become lava, lol.

Willingly cutting a slice of my leg down to the bone with a knife with no pain nor blood and having wax-like flesh

RainStorm, wow… Was that a nightmare?

haha unless he has a fetish for wax-like leg cutting it’d be safe to assume that that was indeed a nightmare

And the saddest part is that 99.99999% chance that someone actually has that.

saddest? nah. Lolest.

rule 41!

a violent murder involving a pianist and a pirate… (don’t ask)
haha, “ooh my precious wax leg… mauhhhh” lol

A DDR machine with out a bar. My girlfriend being good at SMO. Me not being able to drive well. People I know looking funny. I could go on longer but I won’t… At least I had two LDs in the past two days.

Strange thing is that it WASN’T a nightmare… See my dream journal… i recorded it

I don’t really get it, every one of my dreams involves murder and killing, but I’m so desensitized to it I just ignore it like it happens all the time in my WL. I think I’ve been missing that dreamsign for a long time.

A paper that said


Normally I don’t miss stuff like that…

Eh…this may be a bit inappropriate, but I had two schlongs. It was freaking me out! I couldn’t believe I had gone my whole life without knowing.

Ack…I should have caught that one. :content:

Well, I saw a GG1 (a very famous [in railroading circles] electric locomotive) in Lehigh Valley Railroad paint in a dream. (They were only ever owned by the Pennsylvania Railroad, Penn Central, Conrail, New Jersey Transit, and Amtrak) It seems like a small thing to miss, but the last one was retired in 1983 (I think) and I’ve been able to tell that I’m in a dream just from the numbering of a locomotive (e.g. I saw a K4s locomotive numbered 5573, when the last one was numbered 4599, and became lucid.)

I know, I’m weird… :crazy:

EDIT: Oh, and once a plane (I think it was an A380 or a 747-400) smashed into me during a dream.

I´ll start at the point were I missed the dreamsign(s):

I was walking back to school with some random DC friends. I stopped at a road sign. On the pavement in front of the road sign walked a dark green monkey with a big red arrow in his hand. The arrow pointed at the road sign. It has the form of a stop sign and in big red letters was written on it:

With every single Lucid Dream you will get a higher level of consciousness

I turned around and said: I have never seen something like this on a road sign…whatever let´s go back to school…

Shortly after that I woke up and couldn’t believe that I missed it… :eek:

Last nite i dreamt i was watching tv and an ad for a movie called ‘the lucid dream movie’ came on and i didnt realize it. :wallhit:

Just last night…
I got onto the plane, which was actually a wooden broom, with a solid broom end, that was then a canoe. The propeller on the front started spinning and I flew around in circles waiting for my dad to come out of the building (which actually made sense because, although I don’t even have a fragment of the previous dream segment, I know that I had just done something in the house and then come out) that was my house. When he came out he put the luggage in the luggage compartment in the broom stick and then got on. Then I took off and the landscape turned into a map-like drawing, and somehow I crashed into the leaves of the tree that was below me on the map, yet above me at the same time. After I landed on the ground in the crater created by the crash, unharmed, I found a police sargent waiting for me in the middle of a bamboo forest… need I go on?

Well even if I need to I cant because then I can only faintly remember the sargent questioning me, then I woke up :razz:

I just thought of another one:
Aside from the fact that my mom had prairie clothes on (light blue bonnet etc.) and was running across the wooden bridge across the narrow gorge away from the soul eating monster about 10 stories high who had two numbers on his chest (like some sort of Japanese fighting game boss) and was eating my dad… Previously I had let my two dogs outside, and then they had come back… with 5 identical twins each. I chose the ones that I thought were the most likely to be the right ones, but I chose one wrong so that when I got inside it spoke in an evil voice and told me that it was Dr. Frankenstein (or a creation of him…)(a reference to an EXTREMELY scary dream from when I was 11) then it showed me a flashback to when it was created (or when it created something…) in a creepy laboratory and to make a long story short I screamed and ran away from my dogs when I saw them in the morning…
…It was a year ago and you weren’t there :shy: