What huge dreamsign have you missed lately Part IX

I saw two moons in the sky. I even asked myself if it was a dream, but since I passed an RC - a single RC, never thought to double check - I thought it must’ve been an atmospheric trick.

I was on a fire earthquake. I was hovering in the air to not get my feet hot. Then floated down and my feet didn’t get hot. I don’t remember enough to put this in dream journal.

I had so many FA’s last night it was funny, and in every one of them my phone and iPad refused to properly show my app icons (I needed to check something on discord). And there wasn’t any discord icon anywhere, and the screen just started playing random stuff. I should learn to do a Rc when my devices act weird :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe not huge huge, but it seems to happen more often lately (that my phone shows up or something) just need to poke my brain that this is a rc opportunity :rc:

Ha! Last night was literally filled with sense of dream-magic throughout the dream session. Literally any of it could have been the spark for lucidity…but it wasn’t. It was a NLD through-and-through. Honestly, I’m perfectly fine with it. It every much felt like it wasn’t supposed to be a lucid dream! It was simply supposed to be the kind of dream that it was/is.

One subtle shift for me over the last couple of years, really :slight_smile: …is to gently, progressively shift the tone of reflection in terms of reflecting on engaging awareness all day long and looking back on dreams or various vision states. The tone for me, personally…historically…has been one of self-judgment.

To be clear, this is a personal insight and, in a way, likely has to do with why it’s taking me soooooo long to feel “in the groove” with dreaming, meditation, sustaining internal silence/sustained awareness throughout the day…all the things I love about what makes exploring consciousness so interesting. There’s been this ambient internal dialog that persistently nags in the vein of “Ugh! Why can’t I get this right?! I’m always MISSING something…losing awareness…not-finding lucidity”…on and on and on. The tone has been one of frustration, which tends to squelch the spirit of joy of exploration for me. There’s constructive criticism…and then there’s destructive or obstructive criticism. Constructive criticism, to me, doesn’t feel like criticism at all. It feels like simply taking active note of what’s working and what’s not working, and flowing naturally toward the groove of solution-finding. I’ve been observing my internal state for many years now…teasing apart the aspects which are helpful, lending to those solutions…and which parts are “part of the problem”. And, for me, excessive emphasis of the perceived problem…IS the problem :smiley:

With this in mind, looking back on last night’s dream: No, it wasn’t lucid. But, then again, there was loads there that was/is interesting and dreamy and magical. Looking back and transporting myself to the NLD and actively taking interest in what happened…emphasizing all those delicate, glowing details…in a way, it’s like retrofitting lucidity right into the NLD. I look back on the dream as if I’m there…fully lucid.

It feels like a way of beckoning lucidity…encouraging it…courting it, in a gentle way. My dreaming self is like an exotic, mysterious friend or strange and elusive love-interest. It seems to respond to encouragement and loving enticement more than fault-finding.

For what it’s worth! Just some interesting data in the vein of self-exploration :slight_smile:

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Last night in my dream I crawled between the floor and the wall into the basement… things I do all the time every day while awake… sarcasm off!
How could I miss this? :rage::sweat_smile::crazy_face:

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